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Big Food is at it again, hiding ingredients they know we really don’t want to consume in their products. This time it’s the presence of a new version of high fructose corn syrup. But this is not the innocuous fructose that has sweetened the fruits humans have eaten since time began. This is a questionable ingredient with many names that could be causing all sorts of health problems. The product is General Mills’ Vanilla Chex, an updated version of the Chex cereal sold in most conventional grocery and discount stores for many years. The front of the box clearly states [More]
“You notice how they give these odious bills names that reflect the opposite of what they really do, like the Patriot Act, a tyrannical piece of legislation.”  Admin A 2015 Pharma-driven bill blessed by the FDA seriously compromises the integrity of the vaccine licensing process and is sailing through the U.S. Congress. Act to protect vaccine safety and join www.NVICadvocacy.org and learn more at www.NVIC.org.
“Must read, well documented article on the highly effective GcMAF treatment and how it may be linked to the recent “mysterious” deaths of a number of doctors.”  Admin The history of the suppression of medical science in America is a long one, filled with true accounts of pioneering doctors and clinicians being threatened, intimidated and even assassinated in order to bury emerging cures and keep the “sick care” industry in control. (The American Medical Association, for example, has been found guilty by the U.S. federal courts of a conspiracy to destroy the chiropractic industry, by the way.) Over the last [More]
Hello and welcome! My name is Erin and thanks for stopping by. I want to share my story with you on how I overcame so many health challenges in my life. You can watch my short documentary for no charge for the backstory. Free Ebook My ebook is free too, on how I overcame my health challenges with the help of a great team of doctors I’m so fortunate to know. I have never charged for the book since I put it out last year and never will. Again, you can get my book as a gift on how I survived [More]
The first large-scale animal factories appeared in the early 1970s,1 and while these initial confined animal feeding operations CAFOs were for egg laying hens, pork and beef producers soon followed suit. Today, most meat sold in the US beef, pork, chicken, turkey, etc. is raised in a CAFO. It’s a corporate-controlled system characterized by large-scale, centralized, low profit-margin production, processing, and distribution systems, built around efficiency — producing more for less. By 1980, chicken, pig, beef, and dairy CAFOs were firmly established, and over the following decade, processed fast food became the norm, courtesy of abundant inexpensive meats. We are [More]
“Here is another excellent article on how the Vax law was rammed through in Cal. despite lots of public opposition. Medical tyranny is now rearing its ugly head.”  Admin From flash to bang, it took the politically powerful corporate, medical trade, and government lobbyists just six months this year to gut the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking and the civil right to a school education in California. They did it by enacting a new law (SB 277) signed by Governor Jerry Brown on June 29, 2015 that denies parents the legal right to file a personal [More]
Ty Bollinger: Suzanne, if you could, let’s go back about 14 years now in time and tell us about your bout with breast cancer and what you did to treat it. Suzanne Somers: When I look back 14 years, what I am so glad about is what I didn’t do. I remember that I got the recipe right away; we’ll do surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and after care drug of Tamoxifen. And even at that time… because all of us in the alternative world, from year to year you know so much more. I can’t do that. The idea of putting [More]
Ty Bollinger: You mentioned exercise. One of the best exercises that I’ve been getting over the course of this investigative report from different doctors and researchers is that you jump on a mini trampoline to stimulate your lymphatic system to help you detoxify. Talk about the lymphatic system. What is the lymphatic system? Dr. Irvin Sahni: So the lymphatic system is something that I think people aren’t as aware of as their lungs and their heart. The lymphatic system is basically to some degree an overflow valve for the body. So what happens is we all know our heart pumps [More]
  The global race for an Ebola drug or vaccine is on, with hundreds of millions of dollars of resources invested, but could our best bet already be hiding in plain sight within our spice racks? A new study published in the journal In Vivo titled,”Curcumin Suppression of Cytokine Release and Cytokine Storm. A Potential Therapy for Patients with Ebola and Other Severe Viral Infections,” has raised an intriguing possibility: that one of the world’s most prized spices could provide an effective treatment against deadly viruses like Ebola that have no known conventional treatment to date. Turmeric is about 3-5% [More]
The rodent feed used for control groups in laboratory studies — including studies on the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides — is widely contaminated with those same GMOs and pesticides as well as toxic metals and PCBs, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Caen in France and slated to be published in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers analyzed 13 separate dried rodent chows produced on five continents, testing for traces of 4 heavy metals, 17 dioxins and furans, 18 PCBs, 22 GMOs and 262 pesticides. They found that every feed tested [More]
It was not long ago that headlines were made by Michelle Rowton of Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines during a live interview with David Knight of infowars.com. The nurse turned whistleblower spoke of the callous, daily operating procedure she witnessed happening in the hospital she worked at. Her admissions were yet another log on a fire lit long ago burning for people’s right to have medical freedom and choice. In that viral interview, Rowton went on record to state: “I think what a lot of people don’t realize in a closed space like NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is that they’ve [More]
Urinary tract infections affect up to half of all women over the course of a lifetime and are responsible for eight million doctor visits each year.1 Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men, in part because of their shorter urethras. Adult men have another factor going for them—a bacterial growth inhibitor injected directly into their urinary system2 by their prostate glands. You’ve probably heard that drinking cranberry juice can be helpful in supporting a healthy urinary tract. Studies do show that cranberry juice can help by promoting a healthy flora. What many studies fail to mention is [More]
Before you dive off the diving board at your favorite swimming pool, you might want to take a closer look — and sniff — at the water down below. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cases of recreational water illness (RWI) in the United States are on the rise and those illnesses are caused by germs and bacteria that may be lurking in your nearby pool. According to the CDC, 90 illness outbreaks were reported in 32 states and Puerto Rico between 2011-2012. These outbreaks sickened at least 1,788 people, resulting in 95 hospitalizations and one [More]
As far as fruits go, pomegranates seem like more trouble than they’re worth. They have spiny skin, and if not sliced into just so, they make a mess and leave some of the seeds inside, which is the actual fruit part, cut and bruised; the surrounding white membrane is too bitter to eat. Pomegranate juice, too, easily stains hands and fingers. They’re a kind of berry, so it would be easier to spring for some strawberries instead. The thing is pomegranates are healthy in their own right. Sure, like strawberries, they’re a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, not [More]
Corruption in the medical industry can no longer be ignored. There’s no doubt that much of what is told to the masses, including medical schools and physicians, is simply untrue. Even Dr. Richard Horton, editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, agrees: “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of [More]
Breakfast, lunch and dinner do the body good. But what about a late dinner, midnight snack and middle-of-the night munching? Research consistently shows that people who eat late at night weigh more than those who eat all of their food earlier in the day. For example, people who eat most of their food at night have higher body mass indexes than people who eat earlier in the day, according to a 2007 study published in the International Journal of Obesity. And in one study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants who ate between 11 p.m. and 5 [More]
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a prez here who was as concerned about the health of Americans as Mr. Putin is of Russians. But sadly the US is the biggest pusher of GMO foods in the world. I’m sure this is also another reason why the US is strongly trying to demonize Mr. Putin, he is certainly no stooge for Washington like so many other so called world leaders are”. Admin Will Russia lead the way in GMO-refusal? Russian President, Vladimir Putin has led a strong stance against biotech and their cultivation of GM crops in his country. [More]
“For more info on the Clinton’s and their evil doings, CLICK HERE”  Admin   There are a number of very good reasons why Hillary Clinton should never be elected president. The Democratic front-runner for the 2016 presidential election has been embroiled in so many scandals, it’s not easy to know where to start. The Benghazi fiasco? Emailgate? The revelations published in the recently released book titled Clinton Cash that prove just how corrupt she and hubby Bill really are? No wonder she’s dodging the press… But there’s an even bigger issue, one that may be the real reason why she [More]
Major packaged-food companies lost $4 billion in market share alone last year, as shoppers swerved to fresh and organic alternatives. Can the supermarket giants win you back? Try this simple test. Say the following out loud: Artificial colors and flavors. Pesticides. Preservatives. High-fructose corn syrup. Growth hormones. Antibiotics. Gluten. Genetically modified organisms. If any one of these terms raised a hair on the back of your neck, left a sour taste in your mouth, or made your lips purse with disdain, you are part of Big Food’s multibillion-dollar problem. In fact, you may even belong to a growing consumer class [More]
A couple of years ago, a bill was introduced (H.R. 933) allowing big biotech corporations, like Monsanto, to override United States federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the US. This rendered the government powerless when it came to stopping other biotechnology corporations from planting and harvesting. The measure shields sellers of genetically modified seeds from lawsuits, even if the resulting crops cause harm. As a result, the public labelled this bill “The Monsanto Protection Act.” This time, a bill has been introduced, dubbed the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act Of 2015.” Proposed [More]
Reps. G.T. Thompson (R-PA) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) recently introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, which seeks to increase dairy consumption in children by mandating low-fat and non-fat flavored milk for each school meal. This follows changes to the USDA National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs in 2012 that removed whole milk, 2% milk, and flavored 1% milk options from school meals, leaving only plain 1% milk and flavored skim milk. As usual, there are powerful interests involved: the dairy industry, looking to regain market share, is very much in support of the new bill. The bill [More]
SSRI Stories is a collection of over 6,000 stories that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) in which prescription drugs were mentioned and in which the drugs may be linked to a variety of adverse outcomes including violence. This updated site includes the stories from the previous site and new ones from 2011 to date. We have used a new “category” classification system on the new stories. We are working back through previously SSRI Stories to bring them into the new classification system. In the meantime use the search box in the upper right column to search [More]
The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices. We believe that everyone has a right to know what’s in the food they’re eating and feeding their loved ones. Our Mission Our mission is to preserve and build sources of non-GMO products, educate consumers, and provide verified non-GMO choices. What We Do The Non-GMO Project works in several different capacities to ensure the availability of non-GMO products and to help support informed choice. We offer North America’s only third party verification and labeling for non-GMO food [More]
The American Medical Association (AMA) has, for over one hundred years, trained the American public to only trust their licensed medical doctors. But what happens when one of them – a cardiac surgeon of all things – charismatically fulfills the hungry consumer market for health information? He must be stopped! The AMA has launched a new campaign to cut down Dr. Oz of The Dr. Oz Show in order to preserve their medical dogma. In the process, they – with the help of the willing media – have called him a quack espousing “pseudo-science” (i.e. anything not Big Pharma-approved) and [More]
You probably already know that the FDA has declared war on raw milk and even helped fund and coordinate armed government raids against raw milk farmers and distributors. Yes, it’s insane. This brand of tyranny is unique to the USA and isn’t even conducted in China, North Kora or Cuba. Only in the USA are raw milk farmers treated like terrorists. But now the situation is getting even more insane than you could have imagined: the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) have filed a petition with the FDA asking the FDA to alter [More]
The best part of experimenting with smoothie recipes is discovering the perfect combination that allows you to have more energy, focus and stamina for hours, without necessarily consuming a whole meal. This is the first smoothie I ever made that I could use to replace a meal. Normally, a smoothie just isn’t heavy enough – this one’s got nutritious grit. Below are the ingredients I used with an explanation of the benefits. I use a NutriBullet to blast the ingredients but you could use a quality high speed blender if it can pulverize carrots and beets. If using a juicer, [More]
“This greed permeates everything. It’s the main reason why there never will be a cancer cure found by main stream medicine, way too much money would be lost if that would happen. So these scams continue, quite often destroying people financially in the process.”  Admin Most Americans are deathly afraid to go to the hospital these days – and it is because of the immense pain that it will cause to their wallets. If you want to get on a path that will lead you to bankruptcy, just start going to the hospital a lot. In America today, hospitals and [More]