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Rick fell on his head as he was working to restore power after a hurricane. Doctors didn’t expect him to survive. cbn.com
Following laser eye surgery, Jaye’s eyes developed chronic dryness and became painful. It was difficult for her to work, but a miracle would soon change everything. cbn.com
Linda’s livelihood of caring for horses was threatened because of injuries in separate incidents until a miracle brought complete healing. cbn.com
Mickey died in a fiery plane crash while doing what he loved, skydiving. He survived, and now shares the visions he had of the afterlife. cbn.com
Steven was only 12 years old when his father died of cancer. Years later, when he was diagnosed with the same disease, Steven struggled to find hope until a friend’s post on social media strengthened his faith. cbn.com
Karen suffered from a dry cough for years and had difficulty swallowing, until she heard a very specific prayer for healing on The 700 Club. cbn.com  
Because she was a nurse, when Yvonne fell down of her front steps she knew the injury could be serious. However, she believed in miracles and prayed for relief.  cbn.com
2-year-old Jace McDonald was found at the bottom of a friend’s pool. It is estimated he was without oxygen for 10 to 15 minutes. He had no pulse and he wasn’t breathing. Only a miracle can save him. cbn.com
John nearly drown and should have been brain dead after a jet ski accident left him submerged in the water. Only a miracle would save his life. cbn.com
Nonnie Sue survived falling down a flight of steps and for more than a year she was in agony. cbn.com
Doctors couldn’t understand why baby Noah was screaming and vomiting at just a few weeks old. Terrified, but faithful, parents Jacquelyn and Rick kept believing that Noah would experience complete healing from the suspected brain damage. cbn.com
“Great story of a Divine healing and a lesson learned.” Admin It was dark inside the chapel, the small generator just able to help two or three light bulbs pierce the darkness. The worship was moving, as Pepe led us on his guitar. A number of locals joined in, but many remained quiet and subdued. I preached a message that seemed to stir people’s hearts, although it was difficult to tell as I was unable to see most of their faces because of the dim light. I concluded my message and said that we would be happy to pray for [More]
Russell and Marion Pyle share their story of faith and how the Lord provided strategies that helped Russell beat cancer. cbn.com
Find out how a simple cleaning project almost got the best of one man…and what saved him from near dehydration.  cbn.com
For over two decades Becky was plagued with light-headedness and dizziness until she prayed along with prayer on The 700 Club and the power of God fell  cbn.com
An on-the-job accident left logger Gary Tetro with a nagging arm injury for decades. After 22 years, a prayer on The 700 Club led to a miracle. cbn.com
Medically inexplicable seizures began to plague Doris for years, but she never lost faith in a God that heals.  cbn.com
Stephen declared he would never worship any God outside of his Hindu gods. Then one night as he prayed for healing, he encountered Jesus.  cbn.com
Paula became addicted to the Vicodin prescribed to her for migraine headaches. Years later she felt the urging of the Lord to trust Him for total healing of both migraines and drug addiction.  cbn.com
A prayer on television specifically addressing Crystal’s foot pain leads to a miracle healing. cbn.com
A rare neurovascular disorder cripples Millie.  After a discouraging medical prognosis she calls the 700 Club for prayer and the next morning wakes up to a miracle healing.  cbn.com
Karim grew up in a caring Muslim family, but he longed for a god that loved him. After marrying a Christian and surviving a deadly medical event, Karim discovers the love of Jesus Christ. cbn.com
A heart malfunction caused Steve to go into a coma from which he miraculously awakened after being anointed by his pastor.  cbn.com
A dive into the pool’s shallow end left nine year-old Josiah with four broken vertebrae and a 1% chance of survival.
A life-threatening nervous system disorder puts Barbara in a coma for four months where she had dreams of sin, hell and salvation. cbn.com
Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing Let the Healing Begin (feat. Gaither Vocal Band) [Live]. (P) (C) 2013 Spring House Music Group. All rights re…
After giving birth to healthy twins, doctors discovered Erin Mashaw was losing blood rapidly. She had developed DIC and was close to death, but through faith and God’s providence, she has completely recovered.   www.cbn.com