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Jennifer was 18 weeks pregnant when she heard the devastating news that her child child’s heart and brain were compromised. This left her hopeless, confused, and with little options. Her first choice, go to God.
At 19 weeks pregnant, Morgan received devastating news: there was no amniotic fluid in her womb, putting both her life and her baby’s at severe risk of infection or worse. Yet, amidst the fear and uncertainty, Morgan held onto a promise from God, one she believed would ultimately be fulfilled.
Man reaches rock bottom while dying in a hospital but God later changes his life completely.
T-boned by a drunk driver, Chris’ injuries were so severe, medical staff feared he wouldn’t survive. He was basically a lost cause, that is until the power of prayer saved him.
https://cbn.com David needed a heart transplant to save his life. His wife prayed that God would heal David’s heart and send snow as a confirmation. God answered her prayer on Christmas Day.
https://cbn.com After being in 20 different psych wards, abusing drugs, and cutting, God healed Alexis after praying with an evangelist.
https://cbn.com Carissa and Matt credit prayers and miraculous healing after their daughter Paisley’s tumor vanished during Thanksgiving season.  
https://cbn.com God uses brain cancer, an Ironman Triathlon, and a community to highlight His great power in the life of Jay Hewitt.
https://cbn.com Atheist drug addict has terrifying experience in a coma that drives him to God and he receives a miracle healing as well.
https://cbn.com At 19 weeks pregnant, Morgan received devastating news: there was no amniotic fluid in her womb, putting both her life and her baby’s at severe risk of infection or worse. Yet, amidst the fear and uncertainty, Morgan held onto a promise from God, one she believed would ultimately be fulfilled.
https://cbn.com Seemingly healthy, Pastor Marc Maro carried on with his daily routine, until a sudden heart attack lead to his premature departure. Marc Maro was dead, until…
https://cbn.com A sudden case of intense vertigo not only left Betty helpless, but also in risk of cancelling Thanksgiving. Suddenly, she couldn’t stand, sit, lay down, do anything without the vertigo getting worse. That is, until 700 club interactive prayed for healing.
Taylor Cain Matz developed a mysterious illness upon returning from a mission’s trip in Honduras that left her with a possible lifetime treatment of dialysis. Her family and God had other plans.
A mother’s worst fear comes true when she receives a phone call that her son has been in a horrible car accident. Amazingly, her son Jaydon, was able to call her and ask for prayer for both him and his fellow passengers’ survival.
Valerie Martin’s quality of life significantly diminished when she was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Still, she persisted in believing God for healing. See how her faith paid off!
When Glen Berteau was without a heartbeat for 30 minutes, he had a vision of a dark, foreboding presence trying to take his life. His wife and prayer intercessors fought back and won.
Jeff Blackwell’s career is focused on encouraging his listeners to let their light shine for others. So, when Jeff became mysteriously ill and was not expected to survive, see how his family and a praying community rallied behind their local personality to get him back the air.
Suffering brain damage after being discovered lifeless in a pool, toddler Nora Trotman was given a grim diagnosis of probable permanent lack of mobility and communication. But her parents used their faith and power in God’s word and Nora defied doctors’ odds to return to her sweet, rambunctious self.
Rachel Perez could not sleep or do the things she loved to do because of a shoulder injury. Relying on faith, she navigated the pain to the best of her ability until she took a leap of faith and made a silent prayer while watching TV. See how months of pain were gone in an instant.
Nancy Mae Williams had one of the worst cases of Covid-19 and was not expected to survive hospitalization. Her family, however, went to their faith community who providing encouragement and strength to stand on God’s word for restoration. Watch Nancy’s remarkable turnaround from being at death’s door to fully alive.
A word from her pastor became the lifeline for Tonya Morrison and her family to hang onto when Tonya unexpectedly fell ill and had to be rushed to the hospital with only an hour to spare between life and death.
Robin Brock experienced debilitating pain when she suffered a torn meniscus, making tasks she normally enjoyed, like walking her dog, unbearable. Doctors projected surgery; her faith and confidence was in another healer. See how Robin made a full recovery to enjoy quality time with man’s best friend.
A near fatal car accident left Robbie Roberts lying precariously close to death. With multiple life-threatening injuries and time running short, his family and community bombarded heaven with prayers. Watch how God made a way through every obstacle Robbie encountered.
Karey Packard was enjoying a bite to eat with her daughter when she suddenly went into cardiac arrest. Rushed to the hospital, doctors were not confident she would recover from the substantial damage done to her brain and lungs. God’s mercy wrote a different ending to Karey’s medical emergency.
Having endured three miscarriages, Elena Robles had all but given up on her dream of having a baby with her husband. When she went to a women’s conference, she didn’t even want to ask for prayer for herself, but God saw her heart and intervened.
In a vendetta shooting, Robert Johnson was shot six times, all shots hitting major organs. Surgeons projected little chance of survival, yet Robert had someone on his side; a praying wife who simply refused to believe the grim prognosis. Instead, she stood on the word of God and the One who makes the impossible, possible.
A swift decline in Christa Grant’s cognitive health became life-threatening when her family discovered she could not perform basic functions. Rushed to the ER, doctors found a tumor that was ready to burst. Watch how prayer and a vision from heaven restored Christa’s health and gave her an inspirational note to share.