The Gospel of Matthew gives us another reason to be thankful. The events associated with the birth of Jesus fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies given centuries before the events they described. Read More Fulfilled Prophecies at the Birth of Christ – Answers in Genesis.
Green plants are a beautiful part of Earth’s environment, and they are essential for life. God created them on the 3rd day of Creation Week (Genesis 1:10–13), before animals, and even before the sun.1 At the beginning of creation, humans and all animals were herbivores (Genesis 1:29–30). Even now, plants are the basis of the food chain, because they don’t require their own food but make it from sunlight via photosynthesis. In this process, they also produce the oxygen (O2) which is essential for all air-breathing life. Photosynthesis is therefore one of the most important chemical reactions on Earth. If
Answers in Genesis participates in and organizes “Answers” conferences around the USA and in many countries every year. Sometimes we choose to participate by having a booth at select conferences put on by organizations who share our passion for reaching today’s culture with the importance of biblical authority. The Alberta Home Education Association’s conference in Red Deer (Alberta, Canada) is one of those where we will have a large booth presence. The conference theme this year is “Standing Firm.” This is an appropriate exhortation for Christians everywhere as pressure from secular forces makes it challenging to hold to the sound
The ‘big picture’ in which the Gospel makes sense Published: 24 March 2013 (GMT+10) Why bother with creation evangelism? Why start all the way back in Genesis when the gospel is all about Jesus dying for our sins and rising for our justification (Romans 4:25)? CMI’s Dr Carl Wieland explores these questions in today’s feedback. Read More via Creation evangelism.
Following September 11, 2001, the increased prominence of Islam in the media, and public declarations by government (and many church) leaders that Islam is a ‘great’ religion, will likely raise further questions in the minds of many young people in the churches. E.g. ‘Do Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God?’ and ‘What does the Koran say about the Bible?’ Many Christian commentators have sought to raise awareness of fundamental doctrinal differences between the Koran and the Bible (see below), but few people are aware of how the Muslim’s holy book starkly contradicts the Biblical account of our origins.
Many Christians believe that God may have used evolutionary processes to create. This episode summarizes some of the serious problems that arise in trying to fit evolution with Genesis that even atheists can see. Although evolution does fit with many religions (atheism, for example) it cannot be made to fit with Christianity.
Because people have been exposed to the many topics AiG covers (at seminars, on the radio, through our website and Creation Museum, etc.), it’s possible that many of them can forget what’s really at the heart of what we do at AiG. So I felt it was time to remind everyone of what the core message of the Answers in Genesis ministry really is. Our culture is quickly abandoning the authority of God’s Word, including two-thirds of youth in the church by the time they reach college age! We can’t afford to forget the heart of the AiG message—it’s about teaching people
Synchronized Sunday school for all ages! Answers Bible Curriculum is a full-featured, chronological, 3-year Sunday school program. Its 156 lessons are synchronized across 7 age groups from preschool to adults. Each group covers Genesis through Revelation and learns the same material—but at different levels of depth—empowering exciting and easy discussion for the entire family! In response to the startling findings of numerous studies—including those reported in the book, Already Gone—Answers Bible Curriculum is designed to stem the tide of skepticism toward God’s Word that begins in gradeschool. That skepticism turns to disbelief, and causes over two-thirds of young people to
Crazy mixed-up animals … what do they tell us? They seem to defy man-made classification systems—but what about the created ‘kinds’ in Genesis? by Don Batten Wikimedia commons: Restle Liger If we can cross-breed a zebra and a horse (to produce a ‘zorse’), a lion and a tiger (a liger or tigon), or a false killer whale and a dolphin (a wholphin), what does this tell us about the original kinds of animals that God created? The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 1 that God created plants to produce seed ‘after their kind’ (vv. 11, 12). God also created
And: how precise are the Genesis genealogies? Read More
By Ken Ham Recently, a news item reported on a presentation I made at an AiG-sponsored dessert during the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Tennessee last week. The article on this presentation was taken up by many other Christian news sites, and it was even reported on some secular blogs. A number of people have asked if the actual presentation I gave was recorded on video. It was not, but a similar talk I gave late last year was recorded and now is available through AiG. This DVD deals with the many positions of compromise on Genesis and includes many
by Jonathan Sarfati We know today that all it takes to have a day-night cycle is a rotating Earth and light coming from one direction. The Bible tells us clearly that God created light on the first day, as well as the Earth. Thus we can deduce that the Earth was already rotating in space relative to this created light. God can, of course, create light without a secondary source. We are told that in the new heavens and Earth there will be no need for sun or moon (Rev 21:23). In Genesis, God even defines a day and a
On this website earlier today, we shared the sad news that famed creationist debater Dr. Duane T. Gish had passed away this morning. This great defender of the Christian faith was a tireless and bold defender of the book of Genesis. …read more
Skeptics claim that the order of creation in Genesis 2 is different to that in chapter 1. But is it? Read More
Many Christian scholars have suggested that Genesis 1–3 was never meant to convey historical truth. …read more
By Ken Ham During a recent conference in Mobile, Alabama, I was interviewed by Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor. Now, Eric Hovind is the president of Creation Today, based in Pensacola, Florida. Paul Taylor is a speaker with Creation Today. Eric also speaks on biblical creation and has a heart for creation ministry. He has spoken in front of the Answers in Genesis and Creation Museum staff members, and this year Eric will be one of our speakers at the Answers Mega Conference in Sevierville, Tennessee, in July. For more information on how to register for the Mega Conference, which
[More] in this episode, Ian dives into the details about the age of the earth, and the alleged billions of years proponed by evolution, as well as how Noah’s flood ties into it all. More details coming soon….
Every so often, another story comes up in the news about animals that are supposedly demonstrating a more human intelligence because of their ability to use tools. On the Answers in Genesis website alone, we’ve collected and commented on a variety of reports about animals using tools. From spear-making chimpanzees to crows that can use tools to their advantage, evolutionists love to use these as alleged proof that animals are closer to human intelligence than we think. For example, in 2005, we wrote about widely circulated stories of gorillas in the wild using tools in an article titled Gorillas …read
Listen Now On this episode of ID The Future, Jay Richards talks with Professor and author John Lennox about one of his latest books, Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science. In his book, Lennox delves into controversial issues surrounding science and faith, answering common questions regarding apparent tensions between scripture and scientific evidence. Tune in as Professor Lennox demonstrates that science and faith are indeed compatible.
Are you committing a form of “child abuse”? If you are teaching your child that God’s Word in Genesis is true, then Dr. Lawrence Krauss believes you are indeed committing child abuse. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Jonathan Sarfati answers the question: “Does Creation Ministries International (previously known as Answers in Genesis) consider the Intelligent Design movement to be an ally or enemy?” at Life Ministries Centre, Melbourne, Sunday 14th March 2010.
By Ken Ham The International Conference on Creationism (ICC) meets this year, and our staff at Answers in Genesis is looking forward to it! Now, the ICC is held every four or five years and is a ministry of the Creation Science Fellowship of Pittsburgh. I encourage you to read the history of how the ICC came about on its website. The conference is meeting from August 4–8 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this year. Many of our researchers on staff attend the ICC, and some of them, such as Dr. Andrew Snelling and Dr. Georgia Purdom, present peer-reviewed research papers. You
[More] Jason Lisle, Ph.D. Creationist Astrophysicist Most astronomers and astrophysicists today believe in a secular, naturalistic origin of the universe — a big bang that allegedly happened billions of years ago. Few are willing to accept what the Creator Himself has said about the beginning of all things as recorded in the pages of Scripture, and as confirmed by scientific evidence. Answers in Genesis speaker and researcher Dr. Jason Lisle is one of those few astrophysicists that stand on the authority of the Word of God. An astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Lisle
“The Genesis Debate: Skeptic vs Creationist” is a debate between Dr. Paul Willis and Dr. Carl Wieland over the topic of Creation (more specifically, “Does scientific evidence support a literal Genesis?”). Dr. Paul Willis was the former winner of Australia’s “Skeptic of the Year” award, and Dr. Carl Wieland is Managing Director of Creation Ministries International (Australia). Related Articles The debate: Creationist versus Skeptic: Reaction to the debate: The Wieland-Willis debate 2003 Q&A: Related Products: The Creation Answers Book – Creation Magazine subscription – The God Delusion Debate DVD – The Great Dothan
Ken Cook from interviews Dr. Jason Lisle from Answers in Genesis.
This is copyright Answers in Genesis, Is God okay with abortion? This video goes through the birth process and how “irreducible complexity” makes it hard for evolutionist to continue in their belief and that if just one part of this was gone, then we’d have no second chance. The human race would be gone. Also, check out
Since moving to America in 1987, Australian Ken Ham-president and founder of Answers in Genesis and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum-has become one of the most in-demand Christian conference speakers and talk show guests. Each year, Ken gives numerous faith-building talks to tens of thousands of people with the purpose of upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. Ken’s emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis to the life of the average Christian, and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view