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From week #10 of Stuart Heights University 2012, Bryan Osborne presents “The Key to Reclaiming Our Culture: Creation versus Evolution“. In this 53-minute pre…
Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith on Mathematics, Probabilities and DNA
http://www.creationtoday.org/category/type/video/podcasts | Should Every Christian be a Young Earth Creationist? Paul Taylor an Eric Hovind go on-location to…
Phillip E. Johnson (author of Darwin on Trial) speaks on the real controversy over evolution and creation.
Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms? by Jerry Bergman The evolution of the eye has always been a dilemma for evolutionists from Darwin’s time to the present. Although Darwin, Richard Dawkins and other evolutionists have tried to explain how an eye could evolve, their solutions are clearly unsatisfactory. Many kinds of eyes exist, but no progression of eye designs from simple to complex can be produced in the natural or fossil world. Furthermore, the simplest ‘eye’, the eyespot, is not an eye but pigmented cells used for phototaxis; yet even it requires an enormously complex mechanism in order to function [More]
Evolutionists Find Rapid Magnetic Field Reversal (15 Days)! – www.youtube.com . The Earth‘s Magnetic Field is Young – www.icr.org . Earth‘s Magnetic Age: The Achillies Heal of Evolution – www.icr.org . The Mystery of Earth’s Magnetic Field – www.icr.org . Depletion of Earth’s Magnetic Field – www.icr.org . New Rate Data Support a Young World – www.icr.org . John R. Baumgardner, Ph.D. Geophysics/Space Physics – www.icr.org .Quotes by Evolutionary Scientists Against Evolution – www.warneveryone.com Live broadcasting with instant message – www.justin.tv KJV1611 Bible – www.youtube.com The Institute for Creation Research equips believers with evidences of the Bible’s accuracy and authority [More]
Is the Wood Recently Found on Mt. Ararat from the Ark? www.answersingenesis.org A Creation Challenge to the Chickens of Evolution www.youtube.com “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.” Author unkown. List of KJV1611 – www.youtube.com Creation / Evolution Playlist 1 www.youtube.com Playlist 2 www.youtube.com Live broadcasting with instant message 24/7, free downloads, Ipod, and dial up – www.warneveryonestudios.com Quotes by Evolutionary Scientists Against Evolution – http
How could such an advanced country like Germany descend to unspeakable brutality? Full 39 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore — creation.com/store
Warning: Evolutionists, atheists & other anti-Christians hate broadcasts like this because it exposes their religioius faith in Charles Darwin’s “evolutionary” metaphysics religious program translated through “scientism” which is disguised as science. Thus they will give these shows bad ratings usually without either watching the show at all or only a small percentage of it. The “Theory” of Evolution is simply another religion that was promoted by Charles Darwin and passed off as scientific fact. Dr Michael Girouard, a former evolutionist & current medical physician, details key scientific data that is left out of the public arena in the discussion of [More]
Christian Answers topical videos are short 30 minute or less analytical reviews of certain theological subjects even though this ministry may have much more detailed material available. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM, & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) is joined on a major university campus by Dr Michael Girouard, associate speaker for the Institute for Creation Research (website: ICR.ORG) & apologist David Krill. Warning: Evolutionists, atheists & other anti-Christians hate broadcasts like this because it exposes their religioius faith in Charles Darwin’s “evolutionary” metaphysics religious program translated through “scientism” which is disguised [More]
Warning: Evolutionists, atheists & other anti-Christians hate broadcasts like this because it exposes their religioius faith in Charles Darwin’s “evolutionary” metaphysics religious program translated through “scientism” which is disguised as science. Thus they will give these shows bad ratings usually without either watching the show at all or only a small percentage of it. The “Theory” of Evolution is simply another religion that was promoted by Charles Darwin and passed off as scientific fact. Dr Girouard, a former evolutionist & current medical physician, details key scientific data that is left out of the public arena in the discussion of origins. [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; see our other 15 videos refuting evolution at www.youtube.com websites: www.BIBLEQUERY.ORG, http & www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM) is joined in studio by the “In Defense of the Faith” crew as they present yet another radio broadcast. The special guest for this presentation is Jim Stambaugh, staff librarian for the Institute for Creation Research (website www.ICR.ORG), contributor for ICR publications, Christian apologist & is one who has actually debated Hugh Ross. Hugh Ross has a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics, has a ministry called “Reasons To Believe,” & has written [More]
Are there animals whose existence defies Evolution? Find out with Dr. Jobe Martin on the show Christ in Prophecy.
Is Evolution a religion? Find out with guest Dr. Jobe Martin on the show Christ in Prophecy.
Can Christianity be made compatible with Evolution? Learn why it cannot with speaker Dr. John Morris at the Christianity Under Attack conference shown on television’s Christ in Prophecy.
Deluded atheists love to hate this video series! They’ll give it a bad rating without even watching it in many cases! They hate the fact that anyone would say that atheism is a religious delusion or even a religion when atheism is in fact a “faith based proposition that God does not exist” as far as each individual atheist is concerned. Thus their “faith based proposition” is just as religious as any theist with a proposition that God does indeed exist. Atheists follow patterns of “faith beliefs” such as “they are without a belief in God” & a philosophy of [More]
Warning: Evolutionists, atheists & other anti-Christians hate broadcasts like this because it exposes their religioius faith in Charles Darwin’s “evolutionary” metaphysics religious program translated through “scientism” which is disguised as science. Thus they will give these shows bad ratings usually without either watching the show at all or only a small percentage of it. The “Theory” of Evolution is simply another religion that was promoted by Charles Darwin and passed off as scientific fact. Dr Girouard, a former evolutionist & current medical physician, details key scientific data that is left out of the public arena in the discussion of origins. [More]
scientific genius kent hovind explains how evolution is a lie from the pitts of hell and the foundation for communism Kent Hovind caused satan so much trouble that they locked him up in jail because it was the only way they could shut him up
Dr. Kent Hovind compares the King James Version Bible to the modern versions.
Evolutionists have long argued that birds evolved by chance from reptiles. However, in this lecture, you will see that no two classes of vertebrates differ more dramatically than do reptiles and birds. Unlike the dinosaurs, from which birds are said to have evolved, birds are truly “formed to fly.” With the aid of a scanning electron microscope, Dr. Menton examines the feathers of birds and compares them to reptile scales. Contrary to the claims of evolutionists, feathers are profoundly different from scales in every respect. It is biological nonsense to claim that one evolved from the other by chance. For [More]
Evolution relies on, depends on, and believes in the “evolutionary story” of the fossil record. Several key facts punch holes in that foundation—the extreme rarity of transitional forms, stasis in the record, sudden appearance of complex animal and plant forms, and gaps between species. Discuss the supposed origin of fish, bats, fleas, flies, birds, dragonflies, marine reptiles, whales, and finally humans. Compare the evolutionary scenario to the creation scenario in which each type was created by a supreme Creator separately and fully formed, just as it is found in the fossil record. Conclude with a summary of the real fossil [More]
Intelligent Design (ID) has gained much publicity over the last few years with some public school boards proposing the mention of Intelligent Design as an alternative to the theory of evolution. The proponents of Intelligent Design hold that certain features of the universe and of living things can best be explained by an intelligent cause and not by an undirected process such as natural selection. We discuss the beginnings and the principles of the Intelligent Design movement and how Intelligent Design differs from the theory of Evolution, as well as from Creationism. Phenomena can be explained by the principles of [More]
NWCreation.net | Darwinian thought has not only damaged our scientific knowledge of the world–it has also led to the moral decline in the West. Many leaders have tried to apply evolutionary science to moral issues, and the results have been devastating. Darwinian evolution denies that man was created in God’s image and has led to the de-valuing of human life. It has played a significant role in the eugenics (“good genes”) movement, ultimately leading to atrocities such as the holocaust, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. The influence of evolutionary thought on Planned Parenthood, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and American culture [More]
What are the results of a belief in evolution? Does it logically lead to positive results or incredible evil? Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD‘S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com
Origins – Evolution Roadblocks with Ralph Muncaster Mr. Muncaster holds a BS in engineering and an MBA from the University of Colorado. A former atheist and hardcore Bible skeptic, Ralph spent 15 years conducting research to dispute the Bible. To Ralph, it seemed that the Bible could not possibly be consistent with such sciences as anthropology, molecular biology and physics. Armed with an engineering-education and a critical, questioning mind, to his surprise, the more he searched, the more evidence he found that supported the Bible’s claims. Mr. Muncaster has taught classes in Christian Apologetics and World Religion in universities including [More]
Six definitions of evolution 1. Cosmic Evolution – the origin of time, space and matter 2. Chemical Evolutions – the origin of all the elements 3. Stellar Evolution – the origin of stars and planets 4. Organic Evoltuion – the origin of Life from non-life 5. Macro Evolution – the origin of the major kinds of plants and animals 6. Micro Evolution – simple variations within the kinds Only Micro Evolution has been observed and tested! The rest are not part of science. See www.CreationMinute.com and http
Evolutionists commonly cite the antibiotic resistance of germs as evidence for evolution. They believe that the germs must have evolved resistance, implying that they have changed and developed new things that they never had before. Some have said this is one of the best proofs of evolution. Once again science stands in opposition to this evolutionary belief. Related content – Evolution and Medicine (creation.com – Superbugs not super after all (creation.com – Is antibiotic resistance really due to increase in information? (creation.com