In this lecture, entitled External Evidences for the Truth of the Gospels, Dr. Timothy McGrew maps out the external and internal evidence bearing on the authenticity of the Gospels and explores some of the positive external evidence for their truthfulness. These include non-Christian sources and incidental historical confirmations. This is one hour of content followed by thirty minutes of Q&A. This is PART 2 of a series of lectures: 01: Who Wrote the Gospels? 02: External Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels and Acts 03: Internal Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels 04: Alleged Historical Errors in the
In this lecture, entitled Internal Evidences for the Truth of the Gospels, Dr. Timothy McGrew presents internal evidence bearing on the authenticity of the Gospels, with a special emphasis on undesigned coincidences in the Gospel accounts. This is about 45 minutes of content followed by fifteen minutes of Q&A. If you want the powerpoint, go to Visit the Library of Historical Apologetics at http For more apologetics resources like this one, visit This is PART 3 of a series of lectures 01: Who Wrote the Gospels? 02: External Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels and Acts 03:
Prof. William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London to give a lunch-time lecture on “The Evidence for God”. Dr Craig presented seven arguments and then invited questions from the student audience. The lecture was web streamed at the time. This is a high definition film recording of the event which includes the previously unseen Q&A session.
William Lane Craig sets out historical and Biblical evidence that leads to the conclusion that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Audience Q&A follows the main presentation. Filmed in Southampton Civic Hall, this event was part of the UK Reasonable Faith Tour during October 2011. The Tour was sponsored by Damaris Trust, UCCF and Premier Christian Radio. William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada California. For more resources visit
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Dr. Scott Matscherz on “Archeological Evidence for the Old Testament”. Dr. Matscherz shares photos he took of archeological evidence that supports the Old Testament biblical accounts.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Dr. Scott Matscherz on “Archeological Evidence for the New Testament”. Dr. Matscherz shares photos he took of archeological evidence that supports the New Testament biblical accounts.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright about a recent trip that he took with a group of scholars to the Grand Canyon to examine evidence to validate the biblical account of Noah’s Flood.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright about a recent trip that he took with a group of scholars to the Grand Canyon to examine evidence to validate the biblical account of Noah’s Flood.
Eve: Real Evidence with Dr. Robert Carter Dr Robert W. Carter Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA) Education 2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries. 1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, BS Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor. Professional Experience 2004–2005 Environmental Consultant (TY Lin International/HJ Ross) Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project 1996–2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami) Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and
The technical book for those with a scientific background, Radioisotopes & the Age of the Earth Vol 1, mentioned around the 22:00 mark can be found here: Or you can download free PDFs of Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume I Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II For those not so technical, Thousand Not Billions can be found here: Also see this article by Dr. Humphreys on evidence for a young world Biography Dr Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time
Also see this article by Dr. Humphreys on evidence for a young world View part 2 here: Biography Dr Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time he was a fully convinced creationist. For the next 6 years he worked in the High Voltage Laboratory of General Electric Company, designing and inventing equipment and researching high-voltage phenomena. While there, he received a US patent and one of Industrial Research Magazine’s IR-100 awards. Beginning in 1979 he worked for Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico) in nuclear physics, geophysics, pulsed-power research, and
Dr. Harrub‘s website: For more info on this matter, get Dr. Harrub‘s book, Convicted A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity Brad Harrub holds an earned BS degree in Biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and an earned Doctorate degree in Anatomy and Neurobiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. He was listed in Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. He is the author of Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity and the coauthor of the books, The Truth About Human Origins, Dissecting the Truth, Investigating Christian Evidences, Matters of Life
Mount St. Helens created a canyon in a matter of days and laid down millions of layers of sediments, showing how the Grand Canyon could have formed rapidly by catasrophic processes shortly after the global flood. Dr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the world. Current research Mass-kill event and rapid burial of nautiloid fossils in a limestone layer within the Grand Canyon.
Geological evidence for Noah’s Flood will be presented, mainly for the last stage of the Flood as the water retreated off the continents. The Flood has left some startling traces on the surface of the earth in the form of erosional remnants, continental shelves, large-scale planation surfaces, quartzite rocks transported by water hundreds of miles from their nearest source, water gaps, pediments, and submarine canyons. All these geomorphic features are very difficult, if not impossible, to explain by the “slow processes over millions of years” alternative model. This video file is a 59 minute seminar by Michael Oard that was
[More] The evidence for the global Genesis Flood is provided by all the hundreds of flood traditions from all over the world. Evidence for the Flood is found in sedimentary rocks that commonly cover huge distances and show little or no erosion between layers—unlike how mainstream geologist interpret the rocks based on small events over millions of years. Trillions of fossils in the sedimentary rocks provide powerful evidence for a global Flood, since fossilization today is rare (remember that mainstream scientists rely on present processes to explain the past). Moreover, the fossil record does not show evolution because of the
Most people realize that evolution requires the belief in billions of years of earth history. Yet few people are aware that nine out of ten dating methods indicate the earth is too young for evolution to have happened, nor do they understand the assumptions upon which all dating methods rely. Using unforgettable visual demonstrations, Bruce Malone reveals how both science and Scripture indicate that the Earth is relatively young. Listeners will learn the limitations of science when determining the age of any anything and grow in their trust in God’s word. The foundation of old age dating methods, upon which
Documents worldwide geological evidence demonstrating that the fossil record is best explained by the global flood of Genesis. Powerpoint Presentation used by Dr. Kindell: About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – , dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on the subjects of scientific creation and Biblical apologetics. He holds a Ph.D. in Theology from International Seminary and received training in scientific creationism at the Institute for Creation Research [ ]. ——————————————————————————– This seminar was recorded during
This presentation goes through each planet in our Solar System (and a few of their moons), and shows how each one discredits evolutionary theories in a different way. Includes about 100 beautiful photos taken from various space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope. ——————————————————————————– This seminar was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, Aug 10-12, 2006 at Overlake Christian Church, Redmond WA. They may be viewed free online or downloaded to your computer. Individual DVDs may also be purchased on our webstore individually or the entire conference may be purchased as a compilation of 8 disks. The Seattle Creation Conference
Presented at Creation Bootcamp 2005. Swift’s website: “Copyright was placed on all Creation Science Evangelism materials (no matter the production date) effective January 1, 2005. PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE OUR PRODUCTS — within the following guidelines: 1.Materials are to be copied, unedited, unaltered and distributed absolutely free of charge. 2.Under no circumstances are copies of our videos / DVD’s / Printed Materials to be sold for any price.” –
Evolutionists commonly cite the antibiotic resistance of germs as evidence for evolution. They believe that the germs must have evolved resistance, implying that they have changed and developed new things that they never had before. Some have said this is one of the best proofs of evolution. Once again science stands in opposition to this evolutionary belief. Related content – Evolution and Medicine ( – Superbugs not super after all ( – Is antibiotic resistance really due to increase in information? (
Dr. Patton has made numerous trips to Peru, together with Dr. Dennis Swift, to investigate the ceremonial burial stones found in the Inca tombs (ca 500-1500 AD). Almost one third of the stones depict specific types of dinosaurs. The evolutionary scenario tells us that man and dinosaur were separated by at least 65 million years and “modern” man’s conception of dinosaurs did not begin until the 1800’s. This find appears to falsify that theory and verify the fact that ancient Peruvians saw these dinosaurs. See the stones for yourself. Hear the whole story and learn of the numerous independent sources
[More] | Radiohalos are tiny discolorations produced by radioactive decay. They provide some amazing evidence for a young earth. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss this fascinating article from Creation magazine. | Paul Taylor & Eric Hovind reveal the silver bullet—the best evidence—for a young earth creation. They are also joined by special guest (http Russ Miller to discuss the clues that the Grand Canyon provides. Inside a living cell is an amazing transportation system. Proteins have to be delivered to the correct part of the cell to perform their intended functions. This animation, based on a lot of clever research over a number of years, shows how it happens. Highways, made of microtubules, are assembled by interlocking proteins, each manufactured in accordance with the coded instructions on the cells DNA. Marching along a microtubule is the kinesin motor, the hero of our story, carrying a huge sack of proteins to be delivered to a pre-determined place in the cell. Here the proteins will be
Jerry Bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at Northwest State College in Archbold OH for over 17 years. Now completing his 9th degree, Dr Bergman is a graduate of Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit,…
Dr. Emil Silvestru has published over 40 peer reviewed papers, a book, & worked as a professor & scientist in secular institutions. He explains the evidence for a global flood, including some very interesting new research..very strong evidence that only a global flood can answer. It gets better & better as it goes on..the best evidence is in the last 1/2 or so. In history, Lyell & Cuvier were opponents & Lyell’s concepts of uniformitarianism triumphed over catastrophism for some decades & those who advocated catastrophism were ridiculed. When Harlan Bretz proposed a flood in the Missoula area, it was
“Lee Strobel And Josh McDowell: Personal Experience vs Evidence – Bad Arguments From Christian Apologists.” This is a clip from The Atheist Experience #609, “Guerilla TV (from the couch): Our first live TV show without a TV studio”, with Matt Dillahunty and Martin What is The Atheist Experience? The Atheist Experience is a weekly cable access television show in Austin, Texas geared at an atheist and non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin (ACA), a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to