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This special edition of the Glazov Gang presents the Mark Christian Moment with Dr. Mark Christian, the President and Executive Director of the Global Faith Institute. Mark discussed Hillary’s Islamization of America, focusing on Huma Abedin, the Muslim Brotherhood and other threatening connections. Don’t miss it! Watch: Video: Hillary’s Islamization of America — a Mark Christian Moment
The Obama administration long has been forcing Christians and others of faith to violate their beliefs to accommodate “nondiscrimination” laws that give special privileges to homosexuals and transgendered persons, and now a federal commission has proposed codifying the practice. WND has reported several times on the Obama effort to turn the Constitution’s protections for “freedom of…
The Harvard Professor who confidently proclaimed to the world she possessed evidence that suggested Jesus may have had a wife has now been outed as a second-rate academic who allowed herself to be duped by a con man. Dr. Karen L. King, professor at Harvard Divinity School, earned her 15 minutes of fame by staking her reputation as a historian of early Christianity on the authenticity of an ancient papyrus stating: “Jesus said to them, My wife… she is able to be my disciple.” Read more: Jesus’s Wife Claims Revealed as ‘Whopping Fraud’
“Excellent video on the massive Hillary email scandal and how blatantly criminal it was and the lies she told about it plus more.”  Admin “Death By A Thousand Cuts” This Is Why Hillary Can’t Win! She is Being Thrown Under The Bus! Hillary Clinton is being “thrown under the bus” by the elite or some power above the elite. The polls are swinging dramatically and will continue to do so as the leaks keep coming. When MSM starts turning against her and is covering her health in detail it is clear the tide has turned for Hillary. Even Paul Ryan [More]
“Hopefully this won’t happen but given how morally bankrupt the Dem party and the Clinton campaign are nothing would surprise me.”  Admin Would you vote Hillary for a brand new Samsung tablet? That highly illegal proposition seems to be what a new Hillary campaign Get-Out-The-Vote initiative seems to be banking on. This document, sent to us by someone working inside the Hillary machine appears to be a draft of a plan to blanket certain neighborhoods in fliers that promise–and deliver–an “Obama Tablet” to anyone who goes into a voting booth (or, perhaps, submits a signed mail-in ballot) and bubbles in Hillary Clinton, [More]
“Excellent commentary by Dr. Roberts on the Wolfowitz doctrine, WWIII, possible stolen election and more.”  Admin   Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held are responsible for a massive number of deaths and massive destruction in seven countries. Wolfowitz has announced his vote for Hillary Clinton. Does this make you feel reassured?   The real surprise would have been Wolfowitz’s announcement in favor of Donald Trump. So why was what was expected news?   Trump has said that he doesn’t see any future in the conflict Washington has initiated with Russia, [More]
For a self-proclaimed atheist, billionaire statist George Soros (shown) sure spends a lot of money on “Christian” causes and groups. But it is not because he is interested in spreading the Gospel, or even in helping the poor. Instead, hacked e-mails from his vast empire of shady tax-exempt foundations show that the radical “philanthropist” wants to change the views of Christians and churches around the world using deceit, manipulation, and money. His goals in showering money on Christian groups and churches include, among other policy agendas, legalizing the slaughter of unborn children in pro-life nations, promoting what he calls “racial [More]
  “It appears Hillary is becoming a paranoid nutcase. Just one more reason to vote Trump.”  Admin   Freedom of speech and freedom of the press will be resigned to history under a Hillary Clinton presidency, as the Democratic nominee threatens to shut down alternative news websites and anything the establishment view as a “conspiracy theory” if she is elected President of the United States.   In a speech in Reno on Thursday, Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump was embracing “dark conspiracy theories” before going on a conspiracy theory-obsessed rant in which she attacked Alex Jones and Infowars, and then claimed [More]
“Excellent summation by Dr. Roberts. This election is beyond critical, make your vote count in Nov. the future of our country hangs in the balance.”  Admin The US presidential election this November will tell whether a majority of the US population is irredeemably stupid. If voters elect Hillary, we will know that Americans are stupid beyond redemption. We don’t know much about Trump, and anti-Trump propaganda rules in the place of facts. But we know many facts about Hillary. We know about her violation of classification laws and the refusal of the Democratic administration to do anything about it. The [More]
Hillary Clinton as secretary of state WASHNGTON – Under Hillary Clinton’s leadership, the State Department was run like a mob-run shakedown operation, with more than half the visitors she met with from outside government paying money to the Clinton Family Foundation for the privilege, according to an Associated Press investigation of her calendars. “It’s an extraordinary…
“Another escalation of the Syrian conflict by the US.”  Admin   On Monday, August 22nd, the United States government — which demands the overthrow of the internationally-recognized-as-legal government of Syria — officially announced that America’s military forces in Syria will continue to occupy Syrian land, no matter what the Syrian government says, and will shoot down any Syrian planes that fly over U.S. forces there.   As reported on Monday by Al-Masdar News:   The Pentagon has announced that the USA is ready to down Syrian and Russian planes that they claim threaten American advisers who by international law are illegally operating in northern [More]
“Everyone is counting the days till the “human wrecking ball” is out of office. Let’s pray Trump will take his place otherwise we will be going from the frying pan into the fire”  Admin In a major blow to the Obama administration’s alternative-sexual-behaviors agenda, a federal judge in Texas late Sunday night blocked the president’s order to open public school restrooms and shower rooms according to “gender identity” and allow boys who believe they are girls to use girls’ facilities. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of Fort Worth found that…
By Rusty Wright Do you remember the classic MGM movie, “”Ben-Hur””? Charlton Heston, the chariot race, the galley slaves forced to row at “ramming speed”? The film won eleven Oscars as it displayed passion and pageantry, betrayal and bitterness, grace and redemption. Now, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey – with MGM and Paramount – have remade…
Last week, we spoke at the Charlotte Mecklenburg School system’s board meeting as it discussed the upcoming “gender unicorn.” Because so many concerned parents showed up to speak, our time was narrowed from three minutes to one. David wrote his speech, but he had to shrink it to 50 seconds (see video below) The bottom line…
“All this fiat money printing will eventually lead to economic disaster. One of all governments favorite things to do to distract people from economic problems is start wars. Knowing the fragility of our economy is all this saber rattling against Russia a prelude to war, let’s hope not.”  Admin (U.S. Department of Defense photo) The policy of quantitative easing – otherwise known as “printing” money – is being employed worldwide at a record-breaking pace, signaling to many analysts that the global economy is in freefall. Central banks are spending $200 billion a month pumping money into their economies, buying bonds [More]
Make the most of this summer because it could be your last decent one: winter is coming as the planet enters the most devastating cooling period since the 65-year Maunder Minimum of the 17th and early 18th centuries. This is the dire forecast of Professor Valentina Zharkova, a solar physicist at Northumbria University, who has based her prediction on sun spot activity – known to be a significant driver of global climate – which is currently very low and likely to get even lower during the next three solar cycles. She has spoken about her research and her battle to get it taken seriously by [More]
“So don’t be afraid of those people. Everything that is hidden will be shown. Everything that is secret will be made known. I tell you these things in the dark, but I want you to tell them in the light. I speak these things only to you, but you should tell them to everyone” (Matthew 10:26-27,…
“There is good news in here about DC and prayer that I was unaware of, let’s hope that it does portend a much needed spiritual awakening.”  Admin You won’t hear this reported on CNN or Fox News because news programs sell spin and controversy. Good news won’t raise ratings. You won’t hear this from America’s pulpits because America’s churches are in a state of separation. Her pastors have abdicated their biblical civic responsibilities to secular politicians in exchange for 30 pieces of tax-exempt…
“How sad is this, have the authorities in Rotherham simply capitulated to these criminals? Somebody needs to be held accountable for this.”  Admin London The systematic exploitation, rape and abuse of a nation’s daughters would once have been cause for revolution or war. But mere months after it was revealed Muslim gangs in Rotherham, England, were savaging English girls on an “industrial scale,” new reports indicate the practice is as prevalent as ever. And the persistence of so-called “grooming…
“Excellent article by Chuck on the neocons and their end less war agenda and why they are 100 percent behind Hillary.”  Admin It is imperative that people understand that Neocons are politically neutral; they are neither Democrat nor Republican. The only party to which they belong is the War Party. They use Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and Christians and Muslims to promote their radical pro-war agenda. Political labels mean absolutely nothing to these people.   Neocons care nothing about social and domestic issues either, except as they assist the war agenda. For example, if liberals want to promote [More]
The United States Supreme Court The American Bar Association has adopted a new rule it says will crack down on discriminatory conduct in the legal profession, but conservative critics warn the real goal is to silence views contrary to the group’s liberal orthodoxy on gender identity and sexual orientation and drum attorneys who hold those views…
“Please remember to pray for persecuted Christians.”  Admin   Classical historian Tom Holland’s observation that Christians in the Islamic State have gone from persecuted minority to sub-human target group highlights the parallel shift in Europe’s cities.   Offering a review of the latest edition of Dabiq, the sleekly-produced recruitment magazine of the murderous Islamic State, author of well-received, easily accessible histories Holland notes the developing contempt with which Christians are viewed.   Writing in The Times, he compares the previously preferable plight of Christians under Islamic State — stripped of their possessions and expelled from Islamic State-held territory — with the “horrors” inflicted on [More]
An Iowa church just wants to be free to preach the gospel, but the state’s so-called nondiscrimination requirements could block the house of worship from doing just that. Lawyers for the church are asking a federal court to prevent Iowa from censoring what the religious group can say about homosexuality, same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism and other related…
In once-secular Turkey, Christians have become targets of Muslim persecution. Here’s what you need to know. For nearly the last hundred years, Turkey, straddling Europe and Asia, has walked a precipitous path. Turning its back on the brutal Ottoman Empire of its past, the nation of 80 million people had attempted to combine its dominant Muslim culture with a more Western-oriented secularism—allowing a measure of political and religious freedom not common in most other Muslim-majority states.   Well, it seems as if Turkey is now on its way to falling into an intolerant form of Islam—if it hasn’t already. How [More]
“This model bodes well for Trump, let’s pray for our country’s sake this is how it turns out.”   Admin According to the Primary Model, which has projected 5 out of 5 correct forecasts of election outcomes the Certainty of Donald Trump Becoming America’s next president is 87 percent. The Primary Model also predicts the November election to favor the Republican Party.Helmut Norpoth writes for the PrimaryModel.com that the likelihood of Trump winning is 87 percent based on a “statistical model that relies on presidential primaries [going back to 1912] and an election cycle as predictors of the vote in the [More]
“Not surprising at all since the two parties are almost indistinguishable anymore. Also goes into Hillary’s college thesis on “Rules For Radicals” author Marxist Saul Alinsky and more regarding his influence. The more you learn about Hillary the more obvious the danger becomes we would all be in if she got to the WH.”  Admin   The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.   That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their [More]
“Since we are in a critical election year we can expect more baloney “good news” statistics”.  Admin As John Williams has made clear, the monthly payroll jobs number consists mainly of an add-on factor of 200,000 jobs. These jobs are a product of the assumption in the Birth-Death Model that new business ventures create more unreported new jobs than the unreported job losses from business failures. If we sustract out this made-up number, July saw a gain of 55,000 jobs, not enough to keep up with population growth. Even the 55,000 figure is overstated according to John Williams’ report: “The [More]