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Since moving to America in 1987, Australian Ken Ham-president and founder of Answers in Genesis AnswersinGenesis.org and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum-has become one of the most in-demand Christian conference speakers and talk show guests. Each year, Ken gives numerous faith-building talks to tens of thousands of people with the purpose of upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. Ken’s emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis to the life of the average Christian, and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view [More]
Ron Rhodes makes the Case for Creation via the fossil record, lack of intermediate forms & the retarded theory of punctuated equilibrium to compensate for that lack of evidence, along with DNA, mutations natural selection and intelligent design. Ron is the president of Reasoning From the Scriptures Ministries www.ronrhodes.org Education Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary (1986). Major Systematic Theology. Graduated with High Honors. Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary (1983). Major: Systematic Theology. Graduated with Honors. Elected to Dean’s List. BA, Houston Baptist University (1979). Recipient of the Greek Excellence Award. Books Authored by Ron Rhodes Conviction without Compromise 5-Minute Apologetics for Today [More]
Christians can demonstrate with absolute certainty that the biblical account of creation is true. Any alternative to biblical creation is irrational, and cannot make . In this companion to his book by the same name, Dr. Lisle presents an ultimate proof for the existence of God and the truth of creation. He goes beyond the battle . The Ultimate Proof of Creation The Master’s Seminary – Institute for Creation Research – Dr. Jason Lisle is an astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder
New alleles are accumulating rapidly in living populations and cellular mechanisms have not been adequately sought to explain the intentional production of these changes. Homologous DNA recombination occurs in all organisms and is at the heart of genetics. Since its discovery during meiosis, these reactions were assumed to occur randomly along the length of chromosomes, and only involved with gene crossovers. It is now well known that meiotic recombination is not the random process it was originally assumed to be, and controlled by highly organized regulatory systems. In addition, a form of homologous recombination has been discovered which is responsible [More]
Mount St. Helens created a canyon in a matter of days and laid down millions of layers of sediments, showing how the Grand Canyon could have formed rapidly by catasrophic processes shortly after the global flood. Dr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the world. Current research Mass-kill event and rapid burial of nautiloid fossils in a limestone layer within the Grand Canyon. [More]
Creation Genetics & Adam Our Ancestor Dr Robert W. Carter Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA) Education 2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries. 1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, BS Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor. Professional Experience 2004–2005 Environmental Consultant (TY Lin International/HJ Ross) Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project 1996–2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami) Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and soft [More]
Mutation Malfunctions and Eve with Dr. Robert Carter Dr Robert W. Carter Dr Carter was converted to Christ at an early age, but did not know what to do with the theory of evolution. He always knew what he wanted to believe, but had no way to express what he was thinking and no evidence to support his views. In his freshman year of college, he was exposed to the information for creation for the first time and soon after adopted it as his modus operandi. He says he felt a tremendous joy when he realized his science and his [More]
denvercreation.org | Dr. Holroyd spoke on the topic “A Mature Creation”, a review of Dr. Jerry Bergman’s recent article in the Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal (http promoting the idea that God did indeed create the universe in six days in recent times with the appearance of age at the May meeting of the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship. Dr. Holroyd is one of the founding members of RMCF. He has a BS in astrophysics, a Ph.D. in atmospheric science, and continuing education in geology. In 2005 he retired from the US Bureau of Reclamation after 31 years of service as [More]
Creation Week with Dr. Donald DeYoung Dr Donald DeYoung – website: discoveryofdesign.com Creationist Physicist (AiG–US www.answersingenesis.org) Biography Don DeYoung is Chairman of the Department of Physical Science at Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana. He has taught at Grace since 1972, with sabbatical leaves spent in San Diego and the South Pacific. Dr DeYoung is also on the faculty of the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego. Courses taught include physics, astronomy and mathematics. He speaks on creation topics and believes that the details of nature are a powerful testimony to the Creator’s care for mankind. Dr DeYoung and his wife [More]
This presentation goes through each planet in our Solar System (and a few of their moons), and shows how each one discredits evolutionary theories in a different way. Includes about 100 beautiful photos taken from various space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope. ——————————————————————————– This seminar was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, Aug 10-12, 2006 at Overlake Christian Church, Redmond WA. They may be viewed free online or downloaded to your computer. Individual DVDs may also be purchased on our webstore individually or the entire conference may be purchased as a compilation of 8 disks. The Seattle Creation Conference [More]
Six definitions of evolution 1. Cosmic Evolution – the origin of time, space and matter 2. Chemical Evolutions – the origin of all the elements 3. Stellar Evolution – the origin of stars and planets 4. Organic Evoltuion – the origin of Life from non-life 5. Macro Evolution – the origin of the major kinds of plants and animals 6. Micro Evolution – simple variations within the kinds Only Micro Evolution has been observed and tested! The rest are not part of science. See www.CreationMinute.com and http
Many people use astronomy to challenge Scripture, but what do the heavens actually reveal? Dr. Jason Lisle, ICR’s Director of Research, explores five “secrets of the cosmos” to find out. Through his presentation, we see how the universe declares the glory of God and how the Bible is right when it talks about the basics of astronomy. It is also right when it speaks to the age of the universe, the uniqueness of Earth, and the issue of distant starlight. Dr. Lisle confirms that when we really understand the Bible and the universe, we find that the scientific evidence lines [More]
Origins – Mars, Venus and Creation with Dr. Danny Faulkner Watch as scientists, researchers and authors share relevant facts and thought-provoking evidence supporting creation. Join us for Cornerstone TeleVision’s unique program entitled, ORIGINS, and then decide for yourself the truth about your human origins. Donn Chapman reminds us,”It’s God’s view that He created you… and that should be your worldview too!” www.ctvn.org About Dr. Faulkner: Dr Danny R. Faulkner has a BS (Math), MS (Physics), MA and Ph.D. (Astronomy, Indiana University). He is Full Professor at the University of South Carolina — Lancaster, where he teaches physics and astronomy. He [More]
Evolution says the earth is billions of years old. The Bible says it is about 6000 years old. What does science say? Discover the answer as Richard and Calvin discuss several scientific dating methods that refute the evolutionary timescale. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Although declining in popularity the idea that there could be a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is still popular. The origin of the idea and some major problems with it are discussed in this episode. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
The differences between ID, creation & evolution, what they lead to, and which is backed by the evidence. Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD’S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com
Dr Kindell describes why the second law of thermodynamics stands as an insurmountable barrier to a naturalistic origin of life. It also examines common evolutionists rebuttal arguments and demonstrates their utter bankruptcy. This video file is a 62 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference – nwcreation.net – July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church – www.mc4square.org About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – nwcreation.net , dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on [More]
Dr. Patton has made numerous trips to Peru, together with Dr. Dennis Swift, to investigate the ceremonial burial stones found in the Inca tombs (ca 500-1500 AD). Almost one third of the stones depict specific types of dinosaurs. The evolutionary scenario tells us that man and dinosaur were separated by at least 65 million years and “modern” man’s conception of dinosaurs did not begin until the 1800’s. This find appears to falsify that theory and verify the fact that ancient Peruvians saw these dinosaurs. See the stones for yourself. Hear the whole story and learn of the numerous independent sources [More]
This episode is based on CMI’s booklet 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History. It is a summary of some of the major arguments that the Genesis record must be taken as real historical events involving real people. Allegorical or mythological renderings result in massive theological difficulties. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
In school we are taught that ‘Mutations + Natural Selection = Evolution’, but do genetic mutations really help evolution? Changes in DNA are supposed to provide the new functions that natural selection ‘chooses’ leading to the evolution of simply organisms into more complex ones. However, leading geneticists agree that mutations lead to extinction, not evolution into something better. This episode features portions of an interview with former evolutionary geneticist Dr John Sanford. Creation.com Related content • Creation magazine interview with Dr John Sanford (creation.com • Mutations Q&A page (creation.com
How long were the days of creation? Can you fit billions of years into the Bible? Were there millions of years of death disease and suffering before sin? Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD’S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com
Special guest Reverend Joe Boot, pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto discusses how the Christian worldview is logically consistent with all reality. Christianity is not a superstition, but backed by reason and logic unlike atheism and evolution. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
creation.com | One of the pillars of the Big Bang theory is that the light we see from objects far away has a higher redshift than closer objects. However, quasars with a very high redshift have been discovered in and near galaxies that have a low redshift. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith explain what this means for the Big Bang. Main article: From Creation magazine 29(2) Bye-bye, big bang? (creation.com Related articles • What is redshift? (creation.com • High-redshift quasars produce more big bang surprises (creation.com • Astronomy and Astrophysics Q&A page (creation.com • Quasar with enormous redshift found embedded [More]
According to history recorded in the Bible everyone who has ever lived comes from Adam and Eve. At Babel, after Noah’s flood, God created several language groups from a single language group, resulting in the dispersion of these groups all over the world. This raises questions such as: how did different skin colors originate? What about all the fossil evidence for ‘races’ coming from ‘ape-men’? All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy from creation.com
Fingerprints of Creation Fingerprints is a 33 minute video based on the book Creation’s Tiny Mystery. It details the nature of polonium halos and how they provide evidence that the Earth was rapidly formed and did not cool over millions of years. The video, shot mostly in California takes the viewer to picturesque Yosemite National Park during the winter and the regions surrounding Palm Springs and Bishop where granites are plainly visible. Three-dimensional graphic animations are included to help convey the process of halo formation from nuclear particles. Instrumentation similar to that used to gather the published data on the [More]
Creation.com | Radiohalos are tiny discolorations produced by radioactive decay. They provide some amazing evidence for a young earth. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss this fascinating article from Creation magazine.
Creation Today 10/27/2011 | Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor discuss inbreeding in post-flood animals; whether or not the Ark was big enough; what Genesis has to say about the virgin birth; and the role of creation science in evangelism. Visit CreationScienceEvangelism.com for more Creation Today episodes and many more creation science resources.