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Erosion and other natural forces upon sedimentary formations such as exposed cliffs and arches belie the millions of years during which they allegedly existed.1,2


A popular natural rock feature that stood for millions of years has come crashing down into Lake Powell in Utah’s Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Known as the Double Arch, the stunning geological att... More...

Is parenting the new smoking? According to the surgeon general, parental stress is an “urgent public health issue.” Read More
Our public education system indoctrinates thousands of students each year not to believe the Bible. Most of them are taught evolution as fact. Read More
Imagine you spot a Dickinsonia fossil that re-dates a geologic layer by 0.5 billion years, only to discover it was still 0.5 billion years out? How can that bee?
Learn about the Tower of Babel where God introduced many new languages into the human family as it then existed.
Why Gavin Ortlund’s local flood compromise fails, and why his objections to a global Flood fall flat. He hasn’t done even the most basic homework.
How mineral-rich oceans hold clues to the age of the earth.
Did you miss Beyond Bones, our dinosaur conference held last week at the Creation Museum? If so, you can watch the live stream for free on YouTube! Read More
I decided to respond to a young lady that has a YouTube channel with a video criticizing young-earth creationists to point out the inconsistency in her thinking. Read More

Perhaps no other fossil discoveries have rocked the world of paleontology more than original organics like proteins in old bones. ICR helps curate a list of mainstream science publications that describe what’s inside these fossils: hemoglobin, chromosomes, whole cells, tissue scraps, and bone collagen. The number exceeds 120, making the presence of proteins and similar finds an increasingly common occurrence.1 So what&rsquo... More...

How the doctrine of creation influences our interaction with new technologies. Read More
This week we’ve seen that the idea of millions of years doesn’t come from the rocks. It came from a belief about the past! Read More

Evolutionists utilize a theoretical tree of life that takes people, plants, and animals back into deep evolutionary time to an unobserved, unknown, hypothetical last universal common ancestor (LUCA). Whatever this organism was, they maintain, it was the ancestor of all life and evolved in turn from nonliving chemicals.


In August, our grounds teams at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter began to prepare for our 17th annual ChristmasTown and 9th annual ChristmasTime events. Read More
Christians are followers of Jesus Christ, called the Logos in John 1. So we should learn to spot and refute logical fallacies.
The Romans formulated concrete with self-healing properties meaning structures could last two millennia. What was thought of as shoddy mixing became the key to understanding its process.
Evolutionary fascination drives yet another news story about vast timespans. But what do the facts show?
How could Moses be the author of Deuteronomy when his obituary is listed as the last chapter? Read More
Can impurities sticking to growing crystals, a slight excess of L-amino acids on meteorites, or geothermal wet-dry cycling create homochiral conditions of the amino acids that make up life?
The Lie: Evolution gets a new update, and the cover alludes to the original 1987 edition. Read More
Sober words of several Old Testament prophets are uncannily relevant in our contemporary western culture.
Russ Humphreys demolishes criticism of creationist RATE research project Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
The Forge is another outstanding movie from the filmmaking duo, the Kendrick brothers—makers of War Room, Courageous, and Overcomer. Read More
Christians would do well to consider the perceptive comments that unbelieving writers sometimes make about them and their faith.
A federal court dismissed a lawsuit by Christian parents in Indiana who claimed that teaching evolution violates religious freedom by promoting “the atheist religion.” Read More
Some Christians, including many pastors and Bible colleges, teach that Noah’s flood was just a local event, not a flood that actually covered the entire earth. Read More
Do you own any musical instruments that are not being used that you could donate to Answers Academy and their music program? Read More