Can the creation message be used as an apologetic tool? Or is it an unimportant piece of the Bible in the grand scheme of things? Does it have value when it comes to the Gospel? Hosts Trey and Lauren are joined by Dr. Mark Stengler Sr. and Mark Stengler Jr. to discuss these questions and more in episode 20 of Creation.Live. Watch: Using Creation in Apologetics | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode 20 | The Institute for Creation Research
Many critics claim that a global flood could not have actually happened. Does the number of species on the planet disprove the biblical Flood? Watch: Does Math Disprove the Flood? – Apologetics Press
Did you know that a woodpecker can strike a tree up to 20 times per second, with each strike being equivalent to 1,000 times that of gravity? How can these birds do this without being harmed? Join Eric Lyons as he presents a lesson on God’s extraordinary design of the woodpecker. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Woodpeckers – Apologetics Press
Hummingbirds are the hovering helicopters of the bird world, able to fly sideways and backward, as well as up and down, all the while keeping their torsos virtually stationary. They can even fly upside down! Truly, the unique maneuverability of these breathtaking birds logically demands a marvelous Maker. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Hummingbirds – Apologetics Press
As we reported elsewhere1, a 2019 Gallup poll revealed that the number of young Earth creationists in the United States is roughly 40%. More people in America are young Earth creationists than theistic evolutionists (33%), but the number of young Earth creationists is declining. Should Christians be concerned about the teaching of theistic evolution and an old Earth? For decades, Apologetics Press has documented the dangers of evolutionary thinking being widespread in a society2 and in the Church.3 Indeed, it seems clear that belief in theistic evolution can have a tendency to erode one’s confidence in a straightforward reading of the biblical
I don’t know about you, but I dread eating salad for lunch. I know, I know. It’s super healthy. I’m just not crazy about vegetables. Strawberries, pineapples, watermelon? Yes, please! Cauliflower? Makes me want to run and hide under my desk. But maybe I’ve been misjudging those leafy greens in the vegetable aisle. The other day, I came across this fascinating article in Amusing Planet about the geometry of plants. Read More: God, the Geometry Genius – Guideposts
The plethora of diversity in nature is astonishing, and it is also eye-opening how each special characteristic demonstrates God’s creativity and power. We get a glimpse of God’s unique designs when we undertake the study of turtles, categorized under class Reptilia (where snakes, crocodiles, and lizards are found) in the order Testudines. Within that order, there are three basic divisions: sea turtles, tortoises, and freshwater turtles. Read More: Decisive Evidence of Design in Turtles – Apologetics Press
With about 40% of all insect species being beetles, it might seem that all beetles are just common bugs. However, don’t be fooled. Beetles have some remarkable design features that testify to a grand Designer. Especially incredible is the bombardier beetle. Join Eric Lyons as he shows you how wonderful God’s creation is. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Bombardier Beetle – Apologetics Press
You may think plants are boring, because how exciting can plants really be? However, join Kyle Butt as he introduces you to the Stinking Corpse Lily. This magnificently massive, oddly odorous, parasitic plant will amaze you for how wonderfully God’s creation really is! Watch: Wonders of Creation: Stinking Corpse Lily – Apologetics Press
What is the most valuable substance in the world? You might be thinking of gold or silver. Maybe you thought about platinum. Diamonds and precious gems are very valuable as well. But all those materials are not as valuable as water. You might be thinking, how can that be right? Water is one of the least expensive materials on planet Earth and one of the easiest to get. In fact, about 70% of the entire globe is covered in water. The human body is composed of about 65% water. How can water be so valuable if there is so
As the largest land animals on Earth today, elephants are amazing icons of size and strength. The impressive and unique features of the elephant serve to show how wonderful God’s creation is. Join Eric Lyons as he investigates the incredible design found in the elephant. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Elephants – Apologetics Press
You CANNOT deny biblical creation once you see this… In this episode of Amazing Animals, Calvin Smith teaches us how all creatures reveal the hand of a master designer, and specifically discusses the INCREDIBLE design of dragonflies.
The tallest land animal today is the remarkable giraffe. With its overall height, thin legs, and long tongue, this wonder of creation shows some amazing designs. How does the giraffe’s circulatory system account for its head being 8 feet above its heart when standing upright, but then several feet below its heart while taking a drink? While evolution must rely on random mutations and chance processes, the finely-tuned anatomy of the giraffe provides evidence of intelligence–demanding a designer Watch: Wonders of Creation: Giraffes – Apologetics Press
Scientists classify the platypus as a mammal, but it’s unlike any mammal you’ve ever seen. From its flat duck-bill to its extremely dense fur to its incredible electro-receptor hunting system, this animal is unique indeed. In this program, Eric Lyons shows how truly amazing the platypus is and how it attests to God’s design in nature. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Platypus – Apologetics Press
Evolutionists are DEAD wrong about this new species… In this episode of Amazing Animals, Calvin Smith teaches us about a recently-discovered spider species that creates decoy spiders.
James Tour, Ph.D., is a synthetic organic chemist at Rice University. He has about 650 research publications and over 200 patents. In 2015, he was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors. In 2014, he was named among the 50 most influential scientists in the world, as well as “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds.” In 2013, he was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine. Recently, Dr. Tour issued a 60-day public challenge to the 10 top origin-of-life researchers, by name. His challenge was that he would take down all of his public material, which exposed the fallacies of the
What seems like a spikey and dreadful lizard, proves itself to be an amazing example of God’s design. Living in extreme conditions, the thorny devil lizard has to have extreme abilities. Join Kyle Butt as he investigates this specialized little lizard and how its design is perfectly suited to its needs. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Thorny Devil Lizard – Apologetics Press
In this video, Calvin Smith takes a deep dive into the amazing kinesin protein. Unfortunately, evolutionists will claim that this protein is the result of chance, but if you take the time to listen to the experts who have researched this topic, this video will change your mind.
In our individual, hustle-and-bustle lives, we are often so distracted that we fail to “count the stars” and “smell the roses.” Yet, the natural revelation in creation testifies to God’s infinite power, intelligence, and care. And such splendor in God’s created realm should have a serious impact on all mankind—as we humbly and excitedly respond with acceptable worship and service to our awesome Creator. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Consider God’s Creation – Apologetics Press
In this eye-opening video, Calvin Smith challenges popular misconceptions regarding human and dinosaur coexistence. Examining the complexities of the fossil record, he underscores the reality that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Drawing parallels with other known coexisting species that lack joint fossil records.
Calvin Smith dives deep into the intricate structure and function of DNA, challenging the evolutionary perspective of its origin. Highlighting the complexity and precise information embedded within DNA, he argues that it transcends mere matter, suggesting a thoughtful design. Join this insightful exploration that posits DNA as a testament to an intelligent mind, rather than random chance.
If you have made a call or connected to the internet recently, then you have probably used fiber optics, whether you knew it or not. Fiber optic lines are an amazing engineering innovation that utilizes light to more quickly communicate information. However, our modern designs were not the first instances of this type of process. Join Kyle Butt as he looks at an underwater “wonder of Creation” creature using nature’s fiber optics. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Venus Flower Basket – Apologetics Press
There is a good chance you have never even heard of the “hagfish.” While some call it the “slime eel” or the “snot snake,” this incredible sea creature is neither an eel nor a snake. Rather this fish has an incredibly designed defense mechanism. Join Kyle Butt as he introduces you to one of the most fascinating and repulsive creatures in God’s Creation. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Hagfish – Apologetics Press
The General Theory of Evolution contends that every lifeform on Earth came about by non-purposeful, unintelligent accidents. Yet many evolutionists repeatedly refer to seeing amazing design in nature. But can design exist without a designer? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at the remarkable design we see, even down to the smallest creatures on Earth, all of which point to a Grand Designer. Watch: Wonders of Creation: Defined Design – Apologetics Press
Do we even need to be reminded that we can’t trust much of the secular media and that they will lie for the purpose of maligning those they don’t agree with? Probably not—and yet example after example pops up, including these recent secular media headlines regarding the new House Speaker, Congressman Mike Johnson (LA), and the Ark Encounter. Read More: Media Lies About House Speaker Mike Johnson and the Ark Encounter | Harbingers Daily
Does Noah’s Flood provide a better context for explaining the origin of massive dolomite deposits?
The human eye is, perhaps, one of the most obvious examples of design which defies the theory of naturalistic, unintelligent evolution. The more we learn about the eye the more unreasonable it is to suggest that it would originate in some kind of natural way. It is often said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In many ways, vision is like a chain. It is a sequence of events where each step is dependent on every other complex component. If one single step is impaired, then vision as a whole suffers. Consider a