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Stew Peters Show: The scheme of, false data, and political divisiveness surrounding Pfizer jabs are finally collapsing. Friday on the show, Dr. Robert Malone exposes confidential information from Pfizer containing fatal vaccine injuries and lists of extreme adverse events. In the premium interview, Dr. Malone evaluates the data and the consequences of the jabs.
Stew Peters Show: The bioweapon marketed as a ‘vaccine’ has proven to be an injectable death wish in many cases. Now, the US is expecting a new rollout of dangerous jabs with terrifying ingredients. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the show Friday to expose these developing details and her plans to collaborate with experts to find out more.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status have been collected by the CDC for more than a year but most of it hasn’t been made public The CDC published data on boosters’ effectiveness in adults under 65, but didn’t include data for 18- to 49-year-olds, “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots” The CDC didn’t publish the data over concerns that it would be “misinterpreted,” but the only way the data could be interpreted as ineffective is if they show the shots don’t work Dr. [More]
The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms deaths are rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the not-vaccinated population in England.   With the most recent figures showing the fully vaccinated accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past month; and the triple vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 of them.   Read More: Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England – The Expose
“Persecution for those telling the truth about the deadly “jab” is worldwide.” Admin   FWM reported this week that a major German health insurer revealed that the number of side effects from the Covid-19 vaccines has been vastly underreported. BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck spoke of an “alarming signal” and called for more research. But his honesty came with a hefty price tag. MUNICH Andreas Schöfbeck has estimated that in Germany up to 3 million people have been treated for side effects that occurred after the jab. This concerns 31 000 people who have died and 412 000 who [More]
Australia has just experienced its largest wave of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths to date despite the fact the country is in the middle of summer, and despite the fact leaders spent the majority of 2021 coercing the public into taking an experimental Covid-19 vaccine.   But official data published by the Government in Australia confirms this record breaking wave has been anything but a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and instead shows the fully vaccinated population accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, 9 in every 10 hospitalisations, 9 in every 10 ICU admissions, and 4 in every 5 [More]
Before getting into the Covid discussion, it’s important to note the many amazing qualities of this inexpensive, safe medication – ivermectin – that’s on the World Health Organisation’s List of Essential Medicines, Dr. Steven Phillips wrote. Dr. Steven Phillips is an American physician, researcher, biotech founder and bestselling author. Ivermectin has saved countless lives globally in its use as an anti-parasitic, Dr. Phillips noted, and for that it won its discoverers the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015. But in addition to that, its other diverse therapeutic effects, including broad antiviral activity, have helped solidify its reputation as a “wonder drug.”  [More]
Covid researcher turned whistleblower Brook Jackson joined the Stew Peters Show on Thursday to share the never before heard dark details of Pfizer’s stage 3 vaccine trials in 2020. She worked on the trial for only a few days, but says the practices she witnessed were disgusting, but hasn’t been able to tell anyone due to overwhelming legal intimidation. That ended today, don’t miss her statement to Stew.
A newly released document featuring data pertaining to adverse reactions following a round of Pfizer’s Covid-19 inoculations has been making rounds on the internet.   Details of the document were damning, revealing a massive number of observed adverse reactions beginning on page 30. The list is exhaustive, continuing seemingly endlessly until its conclusion about 8 pages later.   It appears that much of the information in the document was hidden from the public in the past, with a blurb on the first page explaining that “dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited.” [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE More than 1 million excess deaths have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began nearly two years ago These deaths are not all due to COVID-19, as higher numbers of deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and other illnesses occurred during the pandemic In separate research, a 22.9% increase in all-cause mortality was reported from March 1, 2020, to January 2, 2021, and an increase in death rates from non-COVID-19 diseases — including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s — was noted As of January 27, 2022, U.S. excess mortality for 2021 was [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A cost-benefit analysis shows the COVID jab increases children’s risk of dying from COVID infection. Children under 18 are also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID infection if not vaccinated Four million doses must be administered to children, 5 to 11 years of age, to prevent a single ICU admission in this age group. Assuming two doses per child, that means 2 million children must risk potentially serious side effects to prevent a single child from requiring intensive care due to COVID-19 The Israeli [More]
On Wednesday, Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show for her ‘Ask Dr. Jane’ segment to discuss the jab’s effect on individuals with AIDS, Governor Ron DeSantis, and much more. Tune in to watch and listen to Dr. Jane dissect the corruption of non-Covid related medical companies, mRNA, and plasma-infusions.
“Another article documenting just how evil and corrupt the medical establishment and our government really are.” Admin   Dr. Meryl Nass, who been a board-licensed internal physician in Maine for more than 40 years, has had her license suspended while a Maine board conducts an investigation that includes a psychological examination for allegedly spreading “misinformation” about COVID-19 and administering effective treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.   In an article published by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense, she tells “The Extraordinary Story of How Governments Suppressed Effective COVID Treatments and Targeted Physicians Who Prescribed Them.”   She points out that health authorities [More]
On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr.Jane takes a deep dive into claims of hacking the software of life as evidence comes in that the bioweapon shots are changing God-given DNA.
The title ‘vaccine’ is a marketable disguise for the engineered bioweapon that is cleverly killing millions. Karen Kingston joined the Stew Peters Show Wednesday to expose more intriguing details on the Moderna and Pfizer jabs, and the bodies response to these deceptive gene therapies. She wants Americans to feel confident in the understanding that the ‘vaccine’ is just a mere patent, with its true intentions emerging with disaster within our bodies.
“Taylor’s story starts at the 5 min. mark.” Admin Stew Peters Show: As Russia continues with the invasion of Ukraine, half-witted and irresponsible American media representatives bring the U.S. closer to the possibility of nuclear war. Taylor Bland, an organizer of the Lets Go Brandon rally in Brandon, FL, joined the show Tuesday to discuss the harassment she faced from the Feds for advocating medically for her family. Her family was tracked, threatened with arrest, and the FBI conducted invasive investigations in attempts to rip Taylor of her son.
It’s so easy to stop COVID-19 misinformation. Just debate the top misinformation spreaders. Problem solved. It will be obvious which side is the purveyor of false information. Fact check this: No fact checker organization will debate us I told PolitiFact that if they really wanted to stop misinformation, all they had to do was debate us. The PolitiFact Editor in Chief, Angie Holan, stopped replying to my emails at that point. Fact check this: None of the public health officials will debate us I don’t know of a single public health official who will debate our team. There are over [More]
Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to talk about why vaccines are bad and they alter your DNA that God has given you.
Stew Peters Show: Hospitals across the US are withholding care from unvaccinated patients in order to pump up the numbers of Covid deaths and make the unvaccinated suffer.
On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane delves into the mysteries of shedding, what we know currently about what it is, how dangerous it is, and what we can do about it.
You can find many testimonials of the vax injured online. Go to GiveSendGo.com or GoFundMe.com and type vaccine injury in the search box. You’ll see a lot of them.” Admin More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Self-Proclaimed Vaccine Advocate Relates His Pfizer Shot Reactions BREAKING — New Information on Jab Injuries Is an ‘Alarming Signal’ Romania’s Football Team Bans VACCINATED Players Two Teenage Boys Die in Their Sleep After COVID Shot Woman’s Post-Moderna Booster Produces Full-Body Rash This Woman Just Wants Her Normal Life Back After COVID Shot 51-Year-old Woman [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Recent data analysis shows the COVID jab is deadlier than COVID-19 itself for anyone under the age of 80. For younger adults and children, there’s no benefit, only risk All age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of dying after receiving a COVID jab than an unvaccinated person is at risk of dying from COVID-19 For those under 18, the COVID jab increases their risk of dying from COVID-19. They’re also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated Only [More]
How to treat VAIDS   Spike proteins are a pathogen which attacks and penetrates everything in your body it touches. The lethal agent in Covid-19 is not the 88.5% of the virus proteins which cause the flu. It is the 12.5% of the proteins in the spike which facilitates the infection. People do not in general die from the coronavirus flu which the body defeats within 7 days. They die from day 8 onwards at which point the flu has mainly gone and the body is left defending itself against spike protein allergy and spike protein mediated vascular endotheliitis. This begs the question: [More]
The New Zealand Ministry of Health are presenting Covid-19 data in a way that misleadingly suggests the Covid-19 injections are extremely effective, and they are deceivingly doing their upmost to ensure you cannot prove otherwise.   But as is always the case here at The Expose, where there is a will, there is a way, and we have managed to uncover the true nature of the current Covid-19 situation in New Zealand according to the Ministry of Health’s buried statistics, and the data strongly suggests the fully vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).   Read More: Official NZ Ministry [More]
? 02/28/22 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A key concern that vaccine passports bring to the fore is related to privacy. If implemented, they will strip us of most of the privacy we’re used to, as they are a precursor to digital identity and a far more invasive digital surveillance apparatus Another key concern is that vaccine passports and digital IDs can force compliance in any area of life The vaccine passport is a platform to which they can add a digital ID and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). This would give them near-total control over your life, as [More]
“The people pushing these vaccines are insane! Who wants their cells DNA changed to be a spike protein factory forever. Madness.” Admin   A Swedish study published on Friday demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA.  The study was conducted in vitro, in other words outside the living body and in an artificial environment.   A previous study published in October 2021 from Sweden found the spike protein enters into our cells’ nuclei and impairs the mechanism our cells have to repair [More]
? 02/28/22 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE February 21, 2022, the Canadian Parliament approved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the peaceful trucker protest against vaccine mandates Under the Act, Canadian banks can seize the personal bank accounts of anyone suspected of participating in or supporting the protest, and these financial surveillance powers are intended to become permanent February 14, 2022, Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland said the government was using the Emergencies Act to broaden Canada’s anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing rules to cover crowdfunding platforms and their payment service providers. The [More]