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In 2004 New Scientist magazine published an Open Letter to the Scientific Community in which 33 leading scientists blasted the big bang. Their strongly-worded letter included statements like: ‘The big bang today relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed… Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory… But the big bang theory can’t survive without these fudge factors… An open exchange of ideas is lacking in most mainstream conferences… [and] doubt and dissent are not tolerated’. With such growing [More]
Mike Licona addresses the 5 major objections to the historical reliability of the Gospels: Authorship, Bias, Contradictions, Dating, and Eyewitness Testimony. http://RisenJesus.com
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (Youtube channel CANSWERSTV), and Dr. Steve Morrison, director of research for Christian Answers (Steve is webmaster of our 3 websites: MUSLIMHOPE.COM, BIBLEQUERY.ORG & HISTORYCART.COM; has written 4 books on Islam: “Reliability of the Bible & Christianity vs. the Qur’an & Islam,” “Answering Muslim Objections to Christianity,” “Letting Islam Destroy Itself in a Muslim’s Mind,” & “Christian Dialoging with Muslims”) respond in this 10 hour series to the multitude of theological attacks made on Christianity & the Bible by Muslim apologists, teachers & debaters. In particular this series focuses on [More]
In this lecture, entitled Alleged Contradictions in the Gospels, Dr. Timothy McGrew explores a litany of 9 alleged contradictions between the Gospels. This is about an hour of content followed by a short Q&A. If you want the powerpoint and PDF of this lecture, go to www.Apologetics315.com Visit the Library of Historical Apologetics at http For more apologetics resources like this one, visit www.Apologetics315.com This is PART 5b of a series of lectures 01: Who Wrote the Gospels? 02: External Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels and Acts 03: Internal Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels 04a: Alleged [More]
In this lecture, entitled Alleged Contradictions in the Gospels, Dr. Timothy McGrew explores and answers 7 alleged contradictions between the Gospels. This is about an hour of content followed by about 15 minutes of Q&A. If you want the powerpoint and PDF of this lecture, go to www.Apologetics315.com Visit the Library of Historical Apologetics at http For more apologetics resources like this one, visit www.Apologetics315.com This is PART 5a of a series of lectures 01: Who Wrote the Gospels? 02: External Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels and Acts 03: Internal Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels 04a: [More]