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“Interesting article on the effects of the “Great Awakening” that occurred in America in the 18th century and which we desperately are in need of again. The article then gets into the effects on society of atheism and the ideologies promoting it. We are seeing the effects of that on our society now.”  Admin On March 22, 1758, Princeton University President Jonathan Edwards died from a smallpox inoculation. He had been the valedictorian of his class at Yale. He was ordained in 1727 as a minister in Northampton, Massachusetts, serving as assistant to his grandfather Solomon Stoddard. That same year, [More]
Johann Sebastian Bach was born March 21, 1685. By age 10 his parents had died. At 18, Bach was a church organist, then held positions in royal courts. In 1717, Bach was imprisoned because a duke in the city of Weimar did not want him employed elsewhere. Widowed with 7 children, he remarried and had 13 more. Considered the “master of masters,” Johann Sebastian Bach’s works include: Jesus, Meine Freude (Jesus, My Joy!) Passion According to St. Matthew Christen, ätzet diesen Tag (Christians, engrave this day) Easter Oratorio Bach wrote more than 300 sacred cantatas, including: Christ lag in Todes [More]
As a young boy, Benny Matthews looked on as his pastor father was beaten by radical Hindus in India. Seeing the high price his parents paid for serving Christ, the last thing Benny ever wanted to be was a Christian worker. But God had plans for Benny’s life and called him to full-time ministry. Today he works alongside his father to train and equip pastors and church planters to reach India for Christ…even to reach radical Hindus who persecute them. This week on VOMRadio, we’ll hear Benny’s story, the great things God is doing in India and how VOM helps [More]
Seventy years old, he visited his friend William Worth one evening, ate some milk and bread, read out loud from the Bible, laid down on the floor to sleep and never woke up. This was how John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, died on March 18, 1845. Johnny Appleseed’s father, Nathaniel Chapman, was a minuteman who fought the British at Concord in 1775 and in the Continental Army under George Washington. Johnny Appleseed collected seeds from apple cider presses in western Pennsylvania. He may have spent time on Grant’s Hill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1794 at the time of [More]
“Variations of this type of giving can be done anytime.”  Admin For many families, a store’s layaway is a lifesaver come Christmas time. For people struggling to afford gifts, it’s a solution that takes some of the burden away, but at the end of the day, the cost normally doesn’t disappear–unless of course you’ve been visited by one of these “Layaway Angels.” People across the country have been sharing stories of Good Samaritans anonymously taking care of their Christmas debt. These generous citizens have been giving their money and sharing their love with complete strangers by taking away some of [More]
Padina was ready to kill herself on live TV to earn Allah’s favor and prove the God of the Christians was powerless. Instead, she met Jesus Christ and saw Him heal her mother from sickness. She became passionate to introduce her countrymen to the Savior. Today she leads a house church network inside Iran, including training church leaders to be ready to face arrest, harassment and persecution. She’ll tell us how they prepare to face persecution, and describe the ways that VOM is helping and strengthening the church in Iran today. Finally, we’ll talk about specific ways to pray for [More]
Besides providing superior academic achievement and socialization, homeschooling has proven to be linked to producing stronger Christian beliefs and behaviors for home learners when they become adults. A Closer LookBoth homeschooling and frequent church attendance are positively connected to children exhibiting a devout Christian faith in adulthood, according to a new online survey conduct by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). When children and teens have one-on-one instruction from their parents and receive weekly spiritual guidance at church, they develop a stalwart faith as millennials (18?38-year-olds). NHERI also found that more years of homeschooling is linked to making more [More]
“Please remember to keep him in your prayers.”   Admin Neghmeh Abedini is praising God this week—not because her husband, persecuted American pastor Saeed, has been released from an Iranian prison—rather, because Saeed is experiencing the manifest presence of God. “Saeed’s father was able to see Saeed in prison today (behind a glass window). It was a wonderful time of fellowship and Saeed got to hear of all of your prayers and words of encouragement that you had shared. Nothing encourages him more than to know that you are all praying for him and that he is not forgotten,” Abedini wrote [More]
Our brains are very active. Research indicates that we think 70,000 thoughts daily on the average. I am intrigued by this; so I decided to try an experiment on myself. In our comfy recliner, all alone, the house was quiet. In that silence, I purposefully tried to sit without engaging my mind. I soon realized plenty of thoughts were forming. “What was I going to do today? What was God going to do for our ministry? Oh, I had to do laundry, I need to write that article.” I think you get the picture. My mind was racing—and my thoughts [More]
“It’s clear from this article that God was indeed involved in the founding of this country, it’s just too bad that we have turned our back on Him and in so doing we will have only ourselves to blame for whatever evil befalls us.”  Admin “Our rifles were leveled—rifles which, but for him, knew not how to miss. Twas all in vain; a power far mightier than we shielded him from harm. He cannot die in battle. The Great Spirit protects that man, and guides his destinies. He will become chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail [More]
A few years ago, people exploring caves outside Jerusalem came across the find of a lifetime: an ancient burial cave containing the remains of a crucified man. This find is only one in a series of finds that overturns a century-old scholarly consensus. That consensus held that the Gospels are almost entirely proclamation and contain little, if any, real history. The remains belonged to a man who had been executed in the first century A.D., that is, from the time of Jesus. As Jeffrey Sheler writes in his book Is the Bible True? the skeleton confirms what the evangelists wrote [More]
On last week’s episode of VOMRadio, Brent and Shelley Teague shared about their mission work for the past 22 years in West Africa, including Brent’s story of being miraculously rescued after Al Qaeda-linked terrorists shot him twice and left him for dead. Watch video  Persecution Blog: VOMRadio: Niger missionary survives Al Qaeda attack.
“Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis discusses the impact of evolutionary thinking on society and the Church.”  Admin Enjoy this free video from Answers in Genesis to celebrate Darwin Was Wrong Day – on February 12.
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand—the founder of The Voice of the Martyrs—had a way with words. In several countries around the world, I’ve met people who, usually with a gleam in their eye, have shared their experience of meeting Richard or Sabina. Many times, they remember a specific quote from a talk that Richard gave. He was a powerful, and profound, communicator. Not long ago, we gathered the entire VOM staff into a large room for a prayer gathering. We share chapel together each week, but this event was unique. It was one of the times each year we gather in a [More]
“Fascinating article on the spiritual life of famed artist Vincent Van Gogh and how his religious paintings and writings have been kept hidden for many years.”  Admin “The best way to know God is to love many things,” said Vincent Van Gogh. Most of us know the sordid story of a lovelorn Van Gogh chopping off his own ear. Yet Van Gogh’s original heartbreak didn’t come from a French prostitute or the estrangement from his fellow painter Paul Gauguin, but from the church. The frayed narrative of Van Gogh’s crummy love life and repeated rejection at the hands of les [More]
This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day, a day Americans focus on love and romance. But most of those celebrating don’t know that the man for whom this day is named was a Christian persecuted because of his Christian actions. Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year on February 14th, but why? Many buy cards and candied hearts and do not know there was a man named Valentine. Who was the man behind this holiday that has become known for cupid, chocolate, roses and love notes saying, “Be my Valentine”? Valentine, or Valentinus as he was known, was a leader in the [More]
“Imaginary but insightful dialogue between two siblings in the womb about life after delivery and its real life implication about life after death.”  Admin It’s one of the greatest and most profound questions of all time: Is there life after death? Even ancient philosophers were divided on the issue, but every culture in history has had some notion of continued existence. Today, well-known atheists such as Carl Sagan have argued, “The absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence.” A tale of two unborn babies in the womb is turning the debate on its head, daring to shed light on the [More]
“The film is scheduled for release April 3.”  Admin The lead actor of the upcoming Biblical flick ‘David and Goliath’ had only one word to describe the filming, and that is “daunting.” Miles Sloman, who had to audition against 7,000 other hopefuls for the role, said that as an unknown actor, he put a lot of pressure on himself when playing one of the most beloved characters in the Bible. “Taking a lead role in such a significant film was initially daunting and I put a fair amount of pressure on myself,” Sloman said. Sloman, however, said that he eventually [More]
Frederick Baily was born on a Maryland plantation around Feb. 7, 1817, though no accurate records exist, as he was a slave. He later chose the birth date of Feb. 14, as he remembered his mother calling him her “little valentine.” He never saw his mother in the daylight, as he was separated from her as an infant. He did not know who his father was. Around 12 years old, his master’s sister-in-law, Sophia Auld, was teaching Frederick the alphabet, despite this being against the law. When her husband found out and immediately forbade it, saying that if slaves could [More]
“The boy started his miraculous recovery after his mother prayed out loud for him.”  Admin A 14-year old St. Charles boy who spent 15 minutes under water after falling through the ice of Lake Ste. Louise has made a recovery no one can explain. It’s a recovery so complete, our Kay Quinn spoke on-camera to young John Smith about his near-drowning, and his amazing story of survival. Three 14-year-old boys fell through the ice on Martin Luther King Day. When rescuers arrived, one was almost out of the water, another was holding onto the ice and one couldn’t be found. [More]
Addressing the crowd at the Oklahoma State Evangelism Conference last week, world-renowned evangelist Franklin Graham admittedly took a different spin than his iconic father, Billy Graham, on the podium and criticized America, declaring that “secularists have taken control of our country.” A Closer LookThe president of the Billy Graham Evangelist Association admonished believers in America for standing by while godless, democratically appointed government officials rip the Christian foundation of the country out from under them. “Our country has changed, and we’ve got to take a stand,” Graham exhorted the Oklahoma City crowd, according to The Christian Post. “We live in [More]
White and Pristine waters. Fernandina Beach, Florida, was straight out of a postcard! The perfect spot for my husband, Don, and me to celebrate our forty-first wedding anniversary. Only one thing could top it off, I thought while looking through a bowl of shells in a gift shop. Six years earlier I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Soon after, our daughter had surprised me with a simple necklace that said “believe.” It instantly boosted my faith. So much so that over the years Don and our son each gave me believe necklaces too. After that, I found myself inspired to [More]
“Inspiring story of a woman who lived as a young Jewish girl in Hitlers Germany and who became a Christian at age 7. She shares valuable advice on what to do in times of intense persecution. There is a video interview of her as well.”  Admin Anita Dittman has been speaking about the Holocaust for more than three decades, telling everyone who will listen of her survival and how Jesus Christ helped her escape the trap that was ‘Hitler’s hell.” She has reached thousands through her book, “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell,” co-authored with fellow Minnesotan Jan Markell. And visions of [More]
At about the same time Muslim radicals were massacring the cartoonists in Paris, Boko Haram was levelling the city of Baga, Nigeria, killing an estimate 2,000 people. I was very angry and outraged at the horrific scale of murder of innocent people of all ages. Although the massacre in Nigeria was not specifically targeting Christians (as far as I know), as a Christian I am deeply troubled by the indiscriminate killing of human beings. I prayed for justice, for the international community to stop these atrocities that grow bolder as each day goes by, and to bring those killers to [More]
“Some words of wisdom from Mr. Webster that we today are sadly ignoring much to our peril.”  Admin One of the five greatest senators in U.S. history, the State of New Hampshire placed his statue in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall. His career spanned almost four decades, serving as secretary of State for Presidents William Harrison, John Tyler and Millard Fillmore. His name was Daniel Webster, born Jan. 18, 1782. From a New Hampshire farm, he attended Dartmouth College and became the highest paid attorney of his day. He fought the slave trade and negotiated the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, which set [More]
Accolades continue to come in for the first feature-length film created by American Family Studios – and some of the responses to Summer Snow have eternal consequences. Summer Snow (DVD cover)Kendra White, co-director/co-writer for Summer Snow, explains the theme of the movie. “Summer Snow is a film about a little eight-year-old girl who has recently lost her mom,” she tells OneNewsNow. “The family is trying to regroup and come together, and the mom had sent the little girl a letter challenging her to change the world. We see how one person’s actions, how one life can make a difference.” Christian [More]
What were the most talked about topics discussed within the evangelical community in 2014? The Christian Post had a chance to chat with Ed Stetzer, author, speaker, and executive director of LifeWay Research Division and go over what issues seemed to gain the most attention among both pastors and congregations. The following issues and topics are in no particular order. Read More  Top 10 Most Discussed Issues Inside the Evangelical Church in 2014 (Interview With Ed Stetzer).