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If you ask a woman what she’s looking for in a man, she may tell you wants him ‘tall, dark and handsome’. If you ask a woman what she’s looking for in a Christian man, she may still want him ‘tall dark and handsome’, but will start to list specific traits he must have to make him the whole package.   There are many characteristics men hold that women love. However, for Christian men, there’s an extra spark that captures a woman’s heart. A nice looking man who is in good shape, dresses well and possesses all the characteristics below [More]
Many born-again Americans are “missing the mark” when it comes to the accuracy of their biblical beliefs. That’s according to the latest data from pollster George Barna. A recent survey by the American Culture & Faith Institute finds that only 30 percent of born-again adults have a biblical worldview. According to that survey, almost 90 percent of them describe God as the “all-knowing, all-powerful creator and ruler of the universe” – but only one in four believes “as sinners, people are not basically good.” Sixty-three percent believe someone can earn their own way to heaven. (See other findings in table [More]
A record-low percentage of U.S. adults believe that God created humans in their present form, according to a Gallup survey.   Thirty-eight percent accept the strict creationism view compared with 38 percent who believe man developed with God’s guidance and 19 percent think God had no role in man’s evolution, according to the Gallup poll.   It’s the first time since 1982 — when Gallup asked the question with the same wording — that belief in God’s direct creation of man is not the most-common response.   Read More
Christianity may be on the rise across Asia, Africa and South America, but it is sharply declining in the United Kingdom. A new report from The Benedict XVI Center for Religion and Society at St. Mary’s University discovered an alarming trend. “For every one person brought up with no religion who has become a Christian, 26 people brought up as Christians now identify as Nones,” the study found. Read More: For Every New Christian in the UK, 26 More Leave the Faith | CBN News
More Americans now believe that the Bible is a book of fables and history than those who believe it’s the literal Word of God, a Gallup poll released Monday has found, and even fewer than a third of Christians say it’s to be taken literally. “Over the past three decades, Americans’ view of the Bible as the literal Word of God has been declining, while their view that the Bible is a collection of fables, myths and history recorded by man has been increasing,” Gallup observed about the poll, which was conducted of 1,011 American adults between May 3–7, with [More]
Research shows only 17 percent of practicing Christians have a biblical worldview. So if that’s the case, then what do they believe? It turns out that 61 percent of Christians who attend church at least once a month and say their faith is very important to their lives and self-identify as a Christian also believe some tenets of New Age religions. Jeff Meyers of Summit Ministries, which, along with the American Faith and Culture Institute, put the numbers together, says this is a serious problem. Read More: What are believers believing exactly?
What happens when someone actually cares? In life, everyone’s just trying to feel connected. But in this cold and lonely world, what we all need is The Touch. Hannah Moore knew real life. The daily fight to build an existence on her own terms sustained Hannah and held at bay the grief of being used as a plaything first by her father and then by a succession of boys and men. As far as Hannah knew, this world offers no handouts. Her struggle to find work that wouldn’t be affected by a previous stint in prison began to seem an impossible [More]
“Tanya” is a Christian worker in Central Asia, living and ministering in a country where she must always be cautious about what she says openly and who she says it around. Listen to hear how Christians in the former Soviet Union are carefully sharing the gospel, and are willing to endure persecution if that’s what it takes to see God’s love spread to their countrymen. As a mom and a pastor’s wife, Tanya shares how the threat of persecution impacts the way Christians raise their children to follow Christ. You’ll be inspired as Tanya shares how Christians living under persecution [More]
Listen this week for an update on the church in Nepal, especially how the church has been impacted by Nepal’s recent adoption of a new constitution which included anti-conversion provisions.   Michael Huff has been the leader of Operation Mobilization in Nepal and is now based in the US helping to mobilize Christians to take the gospel all over the world. Listen as Michael shares how OM is working to raise up Christian workers and evangelists in Nepal, and some of the lessons Nepali Christians have taught him during his years of ministry there.   He’ll share how two Christian [More]
When God called Leanna to missions she was a young woman fresh out of college. Then God specifically called her to a part of South Asia known as “the graveyard of missionaries.” He led her down a different path from most foreigners at the time; Leanna lived in a village, drinking dirty water, sleeping on a grass mat and subsisting on lentils and rice. As she lived through the hardships of village life she was able to introduce people to a God greater and more powerful than the millions of Gods in their faith: Jesus Christ.   Listen as Leanna [More]
For Christians in Syria and other Middle East nations, human logic is clear: get out! Go someplace safe! In spite of such advice, Tom and JoAnn Doyle tell us many Christians are choosing to STAY and serve the Lord and witness for Christ. These bold brothers and sisters are standing in the fire of war and persecution, and they are finding—just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did—that God is standing with them. Listen to the story of Jamila, a 12-year-old girl healed from cancer after a Christian man prayed for her in Jesus’ name, leading to hundreds of Druze people [More]
The leader of an American pastors network is warning about a generational gap among pastors that needs to be bridged. The president of the American Pastors Network, Sam Rohrer, says there’s a divide that’s much larger than most people think. “What that divide is between is not just between older and younger,” he observes. “It’s between older, faithful pastors – those who do believe in the authority of scripture, have remained faithful in their ministry – and then the Millennial, the younger pastors – some of whom are not faithful to the Word but then others who are.” Read More: [More]
Christians in America, by and large, are satisfied with the degree of religious freedom available to them – but not with much else related to life in America, says pollster George Barna. Two–thirds of American adults are satisfied with the degree of religious freedom available in the U.S., according to the founder of the American Faith & Culture Institute.   An even greater segment (72 percent) of politically engaged evangelical adults feels the same way. Interestingly, though, that latter demographic – SAGE Cons*, Barna calls them – seems unconcerned that those religious freedoms are being eroded by a secular society [More]
With his comforting words to Mary, the angel Gabriel explains the miracle not only of Jesus’s conception but also of his resurrection, which we celebrate tomorrow. We who know the Risen Lord know that at Easter we commemorate the supreme event in all of human history, and so any physical proof we find of Christ’s resurrection demands our attention and awe. Countless Christians worldwide maintain that such proof exists: It is the Shroud of Turin, revered as the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ. The earliest undisputed historical records place the Shroud in Lirey, France, between 1353 and 1357. Before [More]
Prospects of Christianity surviving in its birthplace, the Middle East, appear as grim this Holy Week as they have at any time in the last two millennia. Persecution of the world’s largest religion has intensified throughout the 20th century and that trajectory has only intensified in recent years, especially in Muslim-dominated countries. Jihadists appear to have repeatedly carried out one of their oft-stated goals of erasing any trace of Christianity in some regions, while in others persecution against Christians and other religious minorities are being held at bay — for now. The actual prospects facing Christianity in three of its [More]
A recent study revealed that for the first time in three years, government restrictions on religion and hostilities against religious groups has surged globally. The Pew Research Center’s latest annual study on global restrictions on religion shows that there has been an uptick in the most recently recorded year (2015) in regard to religious persecution – a jump that comes after two years of decreases in the percentage of nations that registered high levels of religious limitations. “The share of countries with ‘high’ or ‘very high’ levels of government restrictions – i.e., laws, policies and actions that restrict religious beliefs [More]
A recent British survey conducted for Palm Sunday revealed that one out of four self-described Christians in the United Kingdom do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians in the U.K. are not considerably more believing of the Scriptures when it comes to the resurrection than the average Briton – or even those who claim no religious affiliation at all. Read More: Quarter of UK Christians reject Jesus’ resurrection
The population of the United States is split now over Syria, political parties, President Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, abortion, “gay marriage,” Russia, Vladimir Putin, the Supreme Court, burning coal for fuel, clean air, clean water and the budget.   And Bible verses.   The newest addition to a long list of issues over which there is no general consensus surfaced just in the last week as the “National Bible Bee Game Show” competition was launched live on Facebook, a first for the format.   The “National Bible Bee” competition is being broadcast on the social-media network Tuesdays at 8 p.m. [More]
The American Bible Society has released its annual State of the Bible survey that shows Americans are concerned about eroding morality. For about eight years now the ministry has given what they call America’s “report card” on the Bible, and ABS spokesman Geof Morin says the survey shows Americans believe the Bible is a source of hope and a force for good, even as they express growing concern for the country’s morals. Eighty-one percent of Americans say morals are declining according to the survey done with help from the Barna Group. “In fact,” says Morin, “it’s at a pretty speedy [More]
A number of Chinese Christians were injured and needed hospital treatment after they resisted police officers who were ordered to install security cameras in their churches, reports said.   The clashes took place in churches in Wenzhou, a city known as “China’s Jerusalem” located in Zhejiang Province, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Monday. China’s communist government reportedly ordered the installation of the surveillance equipment at churches for “anti-terrorism and security purposes.”   However, Christians in Wenzhou, who number about a million, said the measure is part of the Communist government’s continued “crackdown on Christianity.”   “Government officials came [More]
There are 2.8 billion unreached people on earth; they will live their entire lives without ever hearing the gospel message of Jesus’ love for them. Andrew Scott wants to motivate and mobilize Christians around the world to GO to those billions and reach them for Christ. Andrew is the President and CEO of Operation Mobilization – USA, and the author of a book called SCATTER: Go Therefore and Take Your Job With You. Andrew wants to see more American Christians understand that people from every vocational background—doctors, businessmen, engineers, artists—are called to share His glory with the nations. Listen to [More]
What would you do if a group of angry young men came streaming into your Sunday School class this Sunday, faces masked and swinging clubs as they came? Aaron Miller helps lead VOM’s work in South Asia, including the nation of India, where he previously served full-time as a gospel worker. Listen this week as Aaron shares what happened when he found himself at a Christian gathering in India that was attacked by radical Hindus. It was a small taste of persecution that was a part of God’s preparation for Aaron to serve persecuted Christians in India and other South [More]
“Enfu” is the Chinese word for “blessing.” When we went to China to secretly interview a Chinese house church pastor, he suggested Enfu as his pseudonym.   Every time Pastor Enfu and his congregation meet together, it is illegal. Listen this week as he shares the challenges of being a pastor in a nation cracking down on the church. Some of the challenges will seem obvious. Others will be ones that Christians in free nations may have never thought of, like handling church finances when the church doesn’t legally exist. How does his church train new leaders? How do they [More]
Petr Jasek, a Czech national and VOM’s Africa regional director, spent 445 days in a Sudanese prison. Days after returning home, Petr sat down with VOM Radio to share his story and thank the thousands of people who prayed for him and his co-defendants during his long months in prison. Listen in as Petr shares about going to the airport to leave Sudan in December of 2015, and the point when he knew that what he faced was much more than a routine security screening. He’ll share how he kept praying as he was questioned, and how he found out [More]
Two ex-convicts who spent years behind bars after becoming consumed by “drugs, guns and gangs” have done an about-face, and are now devoting their lives to helping at-risk youth, according to WWMT-TV reported. Jeffrey Cotton spent 13 years in prison for gang-related crimes, and Damon Brown was behind bars for 12 years for selling drugs. Both men found themselves diving into the gang life by the time they were in the eighth grade, with the situation quickly worsening. Read More: Ex-Convicts Were Consumed by ‘Drugs, Guns and Gangs’ but Their Redemption Story Proves People Can Change | CBN News
Famed Muslim-turned-Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi has explained over the years how spiritual visions and dreams led him to accept Jesus, but amid his most recent battle with stage IV stomach cancer, Qureshi said that he recently — for the first time in his life — encountered Christ in a dream. The evangelist said that the dream unfolded after he prayed to God for guidance and direction as he continues to go through chemotherapy to battle his condition, adding that it is something he had “never seen before,” The Christian Post reported. Read More: Amid a Harrowing Cancer Battle Famed Christian [More]
A man is sharing his harrowing story of reportedly visiting heaven after nearly dying as the result of a severe allergic reaction. Stephen Musick, author of the new book, “Life After Heaven: How My Time in Heaven Can Transform Your Life on Earth,” recently told Faithwire about a major reaction he had to the swine flu vaccine years ago while he was in the Navy. It was an experience that forever changed his perspective, and his life. Read More: ‘It’s Like HD on Steroids’: Man Claims He Went to Heaven and Met Jesus During Near-Death Experience | CBN News