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02/17/21   Gen Z—today’s teenagers and young adults—are the most atheistic generation yet in America, according to George Barna. Given that, it’s not surprising that a new study found that “moral relativism” (“morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society”) is the belief of a whopping 74% of young adults in the US. A majority (65%) also believe “many religions can lead to eternal life.”   Our very relativistic culture—which is just getting more and more relativistic each year—reminds me of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” [More]
01/24/21   “Here you go folks, the demonizing of anyone who supported Mr. Trump will now start in earnest including Christians. Even though Mr. Graham heads an organization that does lots of wonderful charitable work that makes no difference to these demon inspired individuals. Their hatred for Mr. Trump is so intense they want to destroy anyone who supported him, we live in very dangerous times.”  Admin   Thousands have signed a petition calling for the termination of Franklin Graham from his positions at Samaritan’s Purse and at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.   The reason?   His supposed encouragement [More]
01/21/21   “Will we see overt Christian persecution coming to the US? We certainly have a government now in place that could make this a reality. We’ll see.” Admin   Every day around the world, 13 Christians are killed for their faith; 12 are illegally arrested or imprisoned; 5 are abducted; and 12 churches or other Christian buildings are attacked.   These are among some of the disturbing findings of the recently released Open Doors’ 2021 World Watch List (WWL-2021). This annual report ranks the top 50 nations in which Christians are most persecuted for their religion.   All in [More]
01/12/21   “Pastor Songs case is being heard today, so please pray that he will get a fair hearing.”  Admin Christian prison chaplain and former detective, Pastor Paul Song, has been suspended for 10 years from all prisons for telling a Sunday newspaper about Islamic extremism dominating HMP Brixton. Pastor Song, 50, is set to have a permission hearing for judicial review at the High Court tomorrow, Tuesday 12 January. Exposing Islamic radicalisation in prison Pastor Paul Song spoke to the Mail on Sunday in September 2018 after news broke about his experiences at the hands of radical Islam in [More]
12/04/20 “Keep praying and keep the faith. I also believe that Mr. Trump will be the one taking the oath of office not the criminal fraud Biden” Admin In a historic event in Atlanta, Georgia, almost entirely ignored by mainstream media, patriotic legal duo Lin Wood and Sidney Powell held a press conference Wednesday. Its purpose? To send a message to corrupt politicians, self-serving bureaucrats, communist China and the authoritarian-like, subversive forces trying to control and penalize average Americans. “It’s 1776 in America again,” Wood declared, “and you’re not going to take our freedom.”   With an air reminiscent of [More]
11/25/20 “Would the anti-God Dems ultimately like to do this here … you bet.” Admin   In its continuing effort to remove Christianity from the country, the Chinese government is turning churches into propaganda centers for the regime.   The magazine Bitter Winter reports the government’s religious affairs department of Putian spent around $75,000 last month to turn the first floor of the Three-Self Church located in the Xiuyu district’s Daitou town into a publicity center to promote the Communist Party and its leaders.   The display inside the church is titled “Civilization Practice Station for a New Era.” The [More]
11/25/20 “We need to pray for Mr. Wood and all those involved in exposing this vast corruption that God will give them supernatural protection, wisdom and favor in this most needed endeavor.” Admin   Lin Wood, one of the most prominent and patriotic attorneys in America, joined the legal fight alongside President Trump’s legal team to save election integrity from fraud and political treachery, thereby, preserving the U.S. Constitution. However, according to his tweets, Wood, a man of deep faith and intimacy with the Holy Spirit, quickly discerned the spiritual battle of biblical proportions between God’s revelations and satanic influences [More]
10/20/20 “This is something we all should get involved in.” Admin Evangelist Franklin Graham is urging Christians to partake in a day of fasting and prayer on Sunday, October 25, just 9 days before the 2020 Presidential election.   Graham, who leads humanitarian aid organization Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, announced the event on social media.   “I am urging followers of Jesus Christ to fast and to pray for our nation next SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25. Mark it on your calendars and prepare now. I hope individuals, families, and churches will join me in asking for the [More]
09/28/20   “Something we all need to be doing: Praying for our nation in this most crucial election year.” Admin   Tens of thousands of people poured into the nation’s capital from all corners of the country on Saturday to join evangelist Franklin Graham and other Christian leaders to pray and repent on behalf of the nation and ask God to heal divisions and strife.   Vice President Mike Pence with his wife, Karen, by his side made a surprise appearance, urging the crowd of 50,000 to pray for those who serve in every branch of the government, especially those [More]
Describing the current assault on law enforcement as a spiritual battle between good and evil, former national security adviser Michael Flynn is urging Christians not only to pray but to take action.   “When the destiny of the United States is at stake, and it is, the very future of the entire world is threatened,” Flynn wrote in a guest column published exclusively by the Western Journal. “As Christians, shouldn’t we act? We recognize that divine Providence is the ultimate judge of our destiny. Achieving our destiny as a freedom-loving nation, Providence compels us to do our part in our [More]
08/04/20   The “cancel culture” has struck again, this time in the Marine Corps, with the cancellation of a training session for reservists because of the instructor’s Christian faith.   Air Force veteran Jay Lorenzen was scheduled to lead a U.S. Marine Corps Judge Advocate General training session on July 17 before a complaint by the non-profit Military Religious Freedom Foundation, or MRFF, prompted Marine brass to cancel him. MRFF’s complaint centered on a completely separate course Lorenzen teached in his freed time course for the Christian group Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, called “The Gospel Courageous [More]
08/03/20   “This is certainly one election that you don’t want to sit out, the stakes couldn’t be higher as you will read in the article.”  Admin   Voters across this nation are only a few short months away from the next general election. What an ominous time this is for our 244-year-old republic. Its future hangs in the balance. The choices we make on Nov. 3 will send this nation down one of two dramatically different paths. The wrong decision will be catastrophic.   I agree with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who said recently that the [More]
07/27/20   Reacting to the 60 days of violence in Portland, Oregon, and other Democratic-controlled cities, evangelist Franklin Graham warned socialism will destroy America.   “In looking at the chaos that has erupted in cities controlled by liberal, socialist-leaning leadership, it should not only grieve us, but it should cause great concern,” he wrote Monday on Facebook. “If this kind of leadership wins in local, state, and national elections in November, you can expect to see more and more of this, which would eventually lead to the demise of this nation as we know it,” said Graham, the CEO of [More]
07/22/20   The number of officially recorded anti-Christian incidents in Europe has risen by 285 percent between 2008 and 2019, according to Ellen Fantini, director of the Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (OIDACE).   Speaking with the Catholic News Agency (CNA), Fantini said that the trend of increasing attacks is particularly noteworthy in France, such as the recent arson attack on the Nantes Cathedral, but is evident elsewhere as well.   Read More: Report: Anti-Christian Attacks in Europe Rose 285 Percent Since 2008
07/05/20   The use of astrology has exploded in popularity in recent years. Fueled by many factors including social media and technological advances that make it more accessible, an alarming number of young people have been pushed into embracing the ancient occult practice as truth.   Belief in traditional religion has declined over the years, particularly among millennials. In a survey of 2,592 respondents, 40 percent of millennials reported having no religious affiliation at all. That data made them the largest share of generational “nones” in the U.S., according to Pew Research data gathered in phone surveys between 2018 and [More]
06/22/20   “It seems like their objective has now changed so that any “white” statue is now a target to be removed including Jesus! Better get right with God folks if you’re not, it looks like things are going to get very nasty.” Admin   Shaun King said Monday it’s time for anything resembling “white Jesus” to be expunged from the public square. The staunch Black Lives Matter activist made the comments as online activists continued to debate which statues and monuments were culturally unacceptable in 2020. The May 25 death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, under the [More]
06/19/20   “Dr. Dobson comments on the Courts recent decision to include “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” in the Civil Rights Act and the wide ranging harmful effects its likely to have.” Admin   In an outrageous ruling that should shake America’s collective conscience to its core, the U.S. Supreme Court has redefined the meaning of “sex” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to include “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.” Not only was this decision an affront against God, but it was also a historical attack against the founding framework that governs our nation.   Our judiciary is [More]
06//16/20   Rev. Franklin Graham said Monday in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling that makes sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes, the Court overstepped its authority by “making law.”   “Today the U.S. Supreme Court enacted a new law that adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the 1964 Civil Rights Act as ‘protected classes,’” the Christian leader posted to Facebook with a link to a Rolling Stone column titled, “Supreme Court’s Landmark LGBTQ Employment Decision Is Even Bigger Than Marriage Equality.”   Read More: Graham: SCOTUS Transgender Ruling Erodes Religious Freedoms
04/14/20   “Read this article and ask yourself if you have ever heard any president say the things President Trump said publicly regarding Easter and Christ, it’s gratifying to know he is in the WH at such a time as this. Let’s join him in asking God to give us victory over this virus and that we may become a more united and Godly nation after this is over.”  Admin In an Easter message from the Oval Office on Good Friday, President Donald Trump focused on the resurrection of Christ while expressing gratitude for our front-line workers in the battle [More]
03/01/20 47% of “mainline” pastors now support same-sex “marriage.” But only 8% of evangelical pastors do. More specifically, “Presbyterian or Reformed (49%), Methodist (47%), Lutheran (35%) and Christian/Church of Christ pastors (20%) are more likely to see nothing wrong with same-sex marriage than Baptist (3%) or Pentecostal pastors (1%).” This according to a new LifeWay Research survey. None of this is surprising in the least. How Pastors View the Bible LifeWay Research executive director Scott McConnell notes, “The movement we see among pastors’ views of same-sex marriage has less to do with their denominational tradition than their view of the [More]
02/15/20   “Blind guides leading blind sheep into a spiritual ditch.” Admin   In a move that surprises no one who is following the subversion of modern Christianity, the Episcopal Church has elected its first openly lesbian bishop.   The Rev. Bonnie A. Perry was approved by a majority of both clergy and lay votes last June and was ordained Saturday as the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan.   Source: Episcopal Church Ordains Lesbian Bishop: ‘Jesus Said Absolutely Nothing About Homosexuality’
02/06/20 “Concerning article on the cancellation of Franklin Grahams UK tour events and what that may portend for the future of Christians.”  Admin   This week, something of great significance has happened in the UK. Something that has implications far beyond its shores and that will affect the Church and Western democracy for years to come.   Future historians will look back and see this incident as an indication of the decline of Western democracy and it’s replacement with an authoritarian ideology far removed from the liberal democracy birthed from Christianity.   We are not talking about the day that [More]
01/03/20   Anti-Christian hostility is sweeping across Western Europe, where, during 2019, Christian churches and symbols were deliberately attacked day after day.   Gatestone Institute reviewed thousands of newspaper reports, police blotters, parliamentary inquiries, social media posts and specialized blogs from Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain. The research shows (see appendices below) that roughly 3,000 Christian churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments were vandalized, looted or defaced in Europe during 2019 — which is on track to becoming a record year for anti-Christian sacrilege on the continent.   Violence against Christian sites is most widespread in France, where churches, [More]
01/02/19   Thousands of young Christians gathered in Atlanta this week to celebrate the new year with the fire of their faith at the Passion 2020 conference.   The three-day event began Tuesday at Mercedes-Benz Stadium and will continue until Thursday, according to Fox News.   Read More: Over 65,000 College Students Gathered To Worship Jesus While Ringing in the New Year
01/01/20   “It’s astounding that such an individual could be ordained in any professing Christian denomination which gives you an idea of far the Episcopal church has strayed from sound doctrine. The idea that a baby in the womb is not a person is clearly refuted by this verse: Jeremiah 1:5  5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Admin   The National Abortion Federation (NAF) has announced that its board has appointed Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, a [More]
12/14/19   “Undoubtedly one of the greatest evangelists of the 20th/21st centuries, now enjoying all the wonders and beauty of Heaven”  Admin   Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, who many claim is responsible for as many as 79 million people meeting Jesus, has passed away. He was 79 years old.   His death was announced by his wife, Anni Bonnke.   In a post on his official Facebook page, Anni stated that, “It is with sorrow that the Bonnke Family would like to announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. He passed away peacefully, surrounded by [More]
12/08/19   “The Bible says to beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.”  Admin   With the exit of Kamala Harris from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, America has been given a reprieve from an utterly amoral and narcissistic politician who will do anything it takes to get to the top. I say reprieve only because I’m sure her campaign for the vice presidential nomination is already underway. She is also ruthlessly ambitious: Remember, this is the woman that took Planned Parenthood cash to fund her senate campaign, and while serving as California Attorney General ordered a raid on [More]