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03/24/25 The United Nations and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have been using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fuel oftentimes ruthless persecution and terror against Christians worldwide, world-renowned African missionary Peter Hammond tells The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From Syria and the Middle East to Congo and Zimbabwe, the pattern is always similar. Instead of government meddling, Hammond says “sending in the missionaries” would be much better. Watch Interview
02/20/25 “Some great news! Needless to say you won’t hear about this from the MSM.” Admin “This is this is just all a miracle,” Allen said. “We are on our 12th University. Next week, we will go to 13th at Ohio State, and, in every single case, it has been miraculous.” Images and photos show hordes of young people engaging in praise and worship, with many coming forward to accept the faith and get baptized. Author and speaker Jennie Allen is witnessing what she calls a real-life “miracle.” Allen told CBN News she was absolutely astounded last Wednesday night, when [More]
01/19/25 YouVersion reported that the first Sunday of the new year marked the highest number of single-day downloads ever observed by the online Bible platform. The nonprofit entity, which is operated by Oklahoma-based multi-site megachurch Life.Church, said in comments to The Christian Post that the application had 798,000 downloads on Jan. 5. Bobby Gruenewald, a pastor at Life.Church and a founder of YouVersion, told the outlet that over 18.2 million people used the Bible on the platform that day. Read More
12/31/24 “Say what you will about Assad he at least he kept the peace in Syria between the various religious groups. Now it appears that is all changing for the worse regarding Christians and other religious minorities there. And traitor Biden is supporting this. Please remember to pray for these and other Christians facing persecution around the world.” Admin Another Muslim genocide of a non-Muslim people. Not a peep from from the international community. Ancient peoples being persecuted by a homicidal cult. Read/Watch
10/18/24 A Christian pastor was arrested after he made comments about Islam and the binary nature of sex while street preaching outside Bristol University. In response to a question from a Muslim member of the public, Dia Moodley said he believed there were differences between the moral standards of the God of Islam and the Christian God. During his preaching he also expressed the belief that God made humans male and female and that this truth should not be denied. Read More
10/18/24 A British army veteran who served in Afghanistan was found guilty today of praying silently near an abortion clinic in England. Adam Smith-Connor breached a Public Spaces Protection Order by this action, according to the ruling at Poole Magistrates Court in the town of Poole near Bournemouth, Dorset, England. The court gave Smith-Connor a conditional discharge, meaning he will be sentenced only if convicted of future offenses within the next two years. “Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts — silent thoughts — can be illegal in the United Kingdom,” Smith-Connor said after the court ruling. “That cannot be right. [More]
09/20/24   Mel Gibson is in Europe scouting locations for a sequel to his 2004 biblical blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ” – which could mean that the film’s long-gestating followup is actually going to get made.   Read More: Mel Gibson is scouting locations in Europe for ‘The Passion of the Christ’ sequel * WorldNetDaily * by Nick Vivarelli, Variety
08/27/24   Gov. Tim Walz’s ban on faithful Christians from teaching in Minnesota’s public is set to hit the state’s schools in just months.   It also bans adherent Jews and Muslims.   And a report at the Federalist warns that he is “poised to make similar bigoted, totalitarian and unconstitutional policies” for the entire nation, “should he be elected vice president.”   Read More: ‘Totalitarian and unconstitutional’: Tim Walz ban on Christian teachers set to hit schools in just months * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh
08/22/24   A federal jury in Michigan on Tuesday convicted seven pro-life advocates on charges of “conspiracy against rights” as well as for violating the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.   The group of defendants includes Eva Edl, 89, who survived a Communist death camp as a child in Yugoslavia before fleeing to the United States. Edl, Joel Curry, Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Justin Phillips, Cal Zastrow, and Eva Zastrow each “face over 10 years in prison and hundreds of thousands in fines upon sentencing,” The Daily Wire reported. Read More: Biden and Harris Want This Concentration Camp Survivor in [More]
08/22/24   The Shroud of Turin, a mysterious linen cloth with a haunting image of a crucified man, believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus, is a 2,000-year-old relic, a new study reveals.   That would make it possible that it is such a significant relic, contrary to other studies that have dated it hundreds of years newer.   A report from Newsweek said the journal Heritage has published a study by Italian researchers that ascribed the two-millennia-old age to the cloth.   Read More: Documented: New evidence that Shroud of Turin dates to time of Jesus * WorldNetDaily [More]
05/21/24   A massive gathering of Christians across California this weekend reportedly broke a record when participants collectively held what could be the nation’s largest-ever baptism.   Baptize California, an event that unfolded Saturday and Sunday at various locations throughout the Golden State, saw a historic number of people immersed at individual churches and during a main-stage event at Huntington Beach.   The two-day extravaganza, showcasing countless examples of life change and spiritual renewal, featured speakers, worship music from leaders like Sean Feucht, and more.   The Stunning Numbers   Read More: ‘God Lit a Match!’: Satanist Accepts Jesus During [More]
05/20/24   Attorneys general (AGs) from 17 states, all Democrats, have formed a “Reproductive Rights Working Group” dedicated to promoting abortion and attacking pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). The group also includes representatives from organizations such as the National Abortion Federation and the National Women’s Law Center.   In a press release, the group said it was open to all Democrat AGs, though only 17 attended the first meeting. The goal of the pro-abortion group is to strengthen protections for abortion, create “reproductive justice” units within AG offices, and advance shield laws – which protect abortionists in pro-abortion states from pro-life laws in other [More]
05/11/24   The Deep State is deliberately fomenting hysteria about the supposed “threat” of “Christian nationalism” and “Christian nationalists,” warning that “democracy” is in the crosshairs, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. After offering a sampling of these attacks from the far-left fake media, Newman goes through American history and offers the truth: America and the greatest parts of it are inseparable from Christianity and the Bible.   Watch: Deep State’s “Christian Nationalism” Smear is a Trap – The New American
05/03/24   In an abrupt effort to address the anti-Semitic violence that has engulfed many American university campuses in recent weeks, the U.S. House has adopted a new “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” after ignoring concerns that the plan actually could threaten free speech and make Christians who adhere to the biblical account of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection subject to conviction.   Read More: House adopts ‘anti-Semitism’ bill despite worries it criminalizes biblical beliefs | WND | by Bob Unruh
04/26/24   The attorney general in California is being accused of launching a new intimidation campaign against pro-life centers. It’s through subpoenas he’s issued demanding specific information about how those centers offer ultrasound exams to women. The American Center for Law and Justice, which already is representing one of the centers subpoenaed, explained what is developing. It noted the “coordinated efforts across the country by the abortion industry and its political allies to target pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers.”   Read More: State AG launches new campaign to intimidate pro-life centers | WND | by Bob Unruh
04/18/24 “I think we know what happens to anyone participating in the abortion industry when they die, their spirit goes to Hell but what happens to them there. One possibility Satan might have in mind is they become the baby in a Hellish womb with a demon playing the part of an abortion doctor putting them through the abortion procedure so they can feel the horror and pain the babies felt that they helped abort. If by some chance anyone in the abortion industry is reading this you would do well to heed what I’ve written, repent and get saved [More]
04/08/24   Last year, the legislature and governor of Minnesota added a new category of human rights called “gender identity” to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. The result has been an unleashing of tyranny against Christian schools and churches throughout the state.   As of now, the state of Minnesota can tell churches and schools, at least those with 501(c)3 status, what they can and cannot say about “gender identity.” They can also, according to the law, force churches and schools of a religious nature what to say or do on other topics, too.   Read More: Minnesota’s new “gender identity” law [More]
04/02/24   Taking a stand for unborn human lives is a clear indicator that one is on the path towards becoming a terrorist, according to the government of the United Kingdom.   A UK counterterrorism program called “Prevent,” which aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism through education, includes mentions of “single-issue ideologies” that the government says could radicalize people into becoming terrorists, one of those issues being abortion.   Right to Life UK is warning the public that the UK government sees certain “extreme right-wing ideologies” as dangerous, one of them being pro-life advocates who oppose murdering babies [More]
03/31/24 “We can expect this to occur in other “blue” states as time goes on.” Admin It’s not been much publicized, but the actions of the state legislature in Minnesota have resulted in what essentially is the “end of religious liberty” in the state. It is Allen Quist, a former three-term Minnesota state lawmaker and retired professor at Bethany Lutheran College who has written at The Federalist that already one faith-based school is being targeted by a complaint from the state. Read More: State legislature adopts plan to end ‘religious liberty’ | WND | by Bob Unruh
03/31/24   President Joe Biden has proclaimed March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday, as America’s “Transgender Day of Visibility.” The proclamation insists upon the importance of understanding and acceptance for transgender people, whilst blasting “extremists” who are “proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families.”   .The proclamation and its inherently immoral rhetoric also appear intentionally designed to offend Christians on Easter Sunday, leading to a backlash on social media.   Read More: Biden Declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’.
03/19/24 A record high number of Americans say the role of religion in public life is shrinking and most believe this to be bad for the country, the Pew Research Center reports. According to the survey, 57 percent of Americans believe religion plays a positive role in public life, while only 19 percent have a negative view of the role of religion. Overall, “there are widespread signs of unease with religion’s trajectory in American life,” Pew reveals, and this dissatisfaction “is not just among religious Americans.” A remarkable 80 percent of U.S. adults currently believe the influence of religion in American [More]
03/06/24   For years Kirk Cameron has made public libraries a focal point in his effort to make wholesome content available to kids. The actor and producer is now entering a new arena by competing against Scholastic Book Fairs which is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books.   He is partnering with Sky Tree Book Fairs, a nonprofit group that aims to equip children with books that promote positive values and lifestyles all while respecting parents and guardians as the ultimate authority to determine what their child reads.   “We see that there is such an avalanche [More]
02/26/24   Experts are warning a “skyrocketing” number of attacks on Christian churches “mirrors the general anti-Christian tenor of the Biden administration’s policies, at home and abroad,” according to a new report from the Washington Stand that detailed how such incidents of violence have exploded 800% over six years.   The report explains, “Joe Biden’s ‘indifference abroad to the fundamental freedom of religion is rivaled only by the increasing antagonism toward the moral absolutes taught by Bible-believing churches here in the U.S.'”   That word is from Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, who explained, “The Biden administration’s whole-of-government opposition to biblical [More]
02/22/24   Actor and producer Kirk Cameron has announced he’s teaming up with his book publisher to produce a crowdfunded live-action children’s television series to bring wholesome entertainment to families.   The series titled Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk will combine “the timeless moral teachings of ‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’ with modern energy, hilarious dialogue, animated stories, and surprise guest stars” — for “a captivating experience for children and parents alike,” according to a press release.   Cameron and his book publisher BRAVE Books are partners in the new venture. They are currently in the process of crowdfunding two seasons (20 episodes) [More]
02/14/24   This fun-filled, and family friendly event will commemorate the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2024, which takes place the following Monday. There will be something for all ages, with featured presentations from NASA Astronauts, ICR scientists, amateur astronomers, and other guest speakers. The event will also include STEM based, hands-on activities and games for kids. Bring your whole family, and join us for this memorable day learning about the marvels of our solar system and the Lord Jesus who intricately engineered it all!   LOCATION First Baptist Church of Forney 1003 College Street, Forney, TX 75126   DATE [More]
02/14/24   In recent decades, the quality of American education has plummeted.   When you scan the headlines related to education, you realize how far we have fallen:   A “non-binary” activist teacher promotes the woke agenda for kindergarteners and claims that the U.S. and Israel have “no right to exist.” Harvard, America’s oldest and most prestigious college (historically), now teaches a class on the pop singer Taylor Swift. Harvard’s tuition is $75,000 a year. A Seattle high school teacher, who praised Hamas in class, failed a student on a quiz. Why? The student said men can’t get pregnant. When the student’s mom complained, the school [More]
02/10/24   “I’m glad to see an awakening as to what the Dems are doing and how important these upcoming elections are to our future.” Admin   Famed evangelist Franklin Graham has delivered a stunning verdict about the Democrats’ agenda, pushed by Joe Biden ever since he took office, to keep America’s southern border open for illegal aliens.   Graham, on social media, cited a comment from Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who stated his party chooses illegal aliens to “care about most.”   Charged Graham, who serves as chief of the worldwide ministry Samaritan’s Purse, “Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat [More]