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The Scientific Case For Intelligent Design, William Dembski PHD
The title of Bergman‘s presentation is “Slaughter of the Dissidents,” which is the title of a recent one of his books. In the book, Dr. Bergman exposes viewpoint discrimination, which is directed at those in academia who are Darwin Doubters or Darwin Skeptics. Several case studies are offered which document the stories of victims, who are routinely denied the treatment and benefits afforded to their colleagues; educators are denied tenure, students are denied degrees, and scientists are denied the opportunity to conduct scientific experiments or publish their findings in many mainline peer reviewed science journals. Many other tactics are also [More]
pt.3 of 3) This is the first lesson in our new “Reason To Believe” Video Apologetics Class, taught especially with our web audience in mind. The lessons will be in short 20 minute segments and will be developing an overall cumulative case for the Christian Worldview. Here in Lesson #1, I go over what the essential definition of “apologetics” is biblically, and then I cover four foundational reasons why we as believers need to be engaging in the defense of our faith. If you are new to Apologetics, I especially encourage you to go over this material. But even if [More]
(pt.2 of 3) This is the first lesson in our new “Reason To Believe” Video Apologetics Class, taught especially with our web audience in mind. The lessons will be in short 20 minute segments and will be developing an overall cumulative case for the Christian Worldview. Here in Lesson #1, I go over what the essential definition of “apologetics” is biblically, and then I cover four foundational reasons why we as believers need to be engaging in the defense of our faith. If you are new to Apologetics, I especially encourage you to go over this material. But even if [More]
View all articles about What’s here” >What’s a thinking Christian to do … about today’s “Oppositions of science, falsely so called” (2Tim6:20)? Christians should always stick to the Word, as their source of ultimate authority for questions about the origins of anything else. Still, many are swayed by the authoritative-sounding preaching of today’s evo-evangelists .. and so compromise on the word of God, thinking they can make peace between these two warring ideas. What shape has this compromise effort taken? In every case, it becomes an “adding things to the word” situation. In many cases, it is a “taking away” [More]
On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer talks about what it means to be a “Friend of Darwin.” In the case of Zack Kopplin, a 2012 recipient of the Friend of Darwin award, it means grossly misleading the public about science and education by equating skepticism of Darwinian evolution with biblical creationism. …read more  
By Ken Ham We’re witnessing dramatic changes in our American culture—and they aren’t for the better. Recently, a Florida court ruled that a child could have three parents named on his or her birth certificate. (Read the full article here.) Secularists are continuing to advance their agenda of redefining the family. Now, the case involves a same-sex couple (two lesbian women), one of whom had a child by artificial insemination. The father, who had initially agreed to donate and then depart, decided after the fact that he wanted to be a part of the child’s life—and a two-year legal battle [More]
In this broadcast Dr. Geisler begins by giving his testimony. He explains how he came to Christ and how that led him into apologetics. Dr. Geisler makes a strong case for Christianity and answers such questions as why should we believe God exists? Why believe the Bible is the inerrant Word or God? Why believe in the Resurrection?
In this broadcast Dr. Geisler begins by giving his testimony. He explains how he came to Christ and how that led him into apologetics. Dr. Geisler makes a strong case for Christianity and answers such questions as why should we believe God exists? Why believe the Bible is the inerrant Word or God? Why believe in the Resurrection?
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder compares the lives and teachings of Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. HC completely dispels the notion that they taught the same things by examining their views on man, sin, salvation, the after-life, and more. HC makes the case that Jesus is clearly in a class by himself.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder compares the lives and teachings of Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. HC completely dispels the notion that they taught the same things by examining their views on man, sin, salvation, the after-life, and more. HC makes the case that Jesus is clearly in a class by himself.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Michael Spicher who wrote a thesis on proving the existence of God based on beauty. Michael makes the case that beauty is objective and not in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty exists in the thing itself. And if beauty exists, it must have a source and that source can only be God.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder compares the lives and teachings of Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. HC completely dispels the notion that they taught the same things by examining their views on man, sin, salvation, the after-life, and more. HC makes the case that Jesus is clearly in a class by himself.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Michael Spicher who wrote a thesis on proving the existence of God based on beauty. Michael makes the case that beauty is objective and not in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty exists in the thing itself. And if beauty exists, it must have a source and that source can only be God.
Is the belief in miracles unintellectual? Did the philosopher David Hume come up with an air tight argument for not believing in miracles? What about the philosopher Benedict Spinoza who argued that miracles are a violation of natural law, which is impossible? In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Frank Turek who responds to these, as well as other objections to miracles.
Ron Rhodes makes the Case for Creation via the fossil record, lack of intermediate forms & the retarded theory of punctuated equilibrium to compensate for that lack of evidence, along with DNA, mutations natural selection and intelligent design. Ron is the president of Reasoning From the Scriptures Ministries www.ronrhodes.org Education Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary (1986). Major Systematic Theology. Graduated with High Honors. Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary (1983). Major: Systematic Theology. Graduated with Honors. Elected to Dean’s List. BA, Houston Baptist University (1979). Recipient of the Greek Excellence Award. Books Authored by Ron Rhodes Conviction without Compromise 5-Minute Apologetics for Today [More]
What’s a thinking Christian to do … about today’s “Oppositions of science, falsely so called” (1Tim 6:20)? Christians should always stick to the word, as their source of ultimate authority for questions about the origins or anything else. Still, many are swayed by the authoritative-sounding preaching of today’s evo-evangelists .. and so compromise on the word of God, thinking they can make peace between these two warring ideas. What shape has this compromise effort taken? In every case, it becomes an “adding things to the word” situation. In many cases, it is a “taking away” from the word. In all [More]
Mike puts the evolution theory to shame, clearly showing the “impossibility of the odds.” Visit Mike’s Equipping and Training Christians Ministry – train2equip.com There are over 2000 types of amino acids and only 20 are used in life. Every experiment we have ever done has always ended up with an equal number of left handed and right handed amino acids. A mixture of left handed and right handed amino acids is a poison to life. Each body is full of only left handed amino acids. The tendency is always to bond the two and continue away from life; not toward [More]
Lee Strobel introduces the case for the reliability of the Bible as a historical document
Was Jesus an actual person? Did he do the miraculous deeds that are recorded in the Gospels? Christianity stands or falls on this historical dilemma. I get to the root of why some people opt for belief, and others skepticism.
Journalist Lee Strobel makes the case for a creator.
This is a testimony that prompted me to post this, as I have seen many miracles in the form of cancer being healed, epilepsy, diabetes, herpes, chronic fatigue disorder, depression and most of all… atheism. Hallelujah! So pray this prayer and you WILL be healed. If God will do it for one person, He will do it for you: “Hi Ryan, Just thought I would contact you regarding the healing prayer you sent me for the depression I was suffering with. Well,I said the prayer out loud as you suggested and I couldn’t believe what happened.My body started to shiver [More]