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Andrews Site Happiness is a goal many people long to achieve. Why are some people happy and others seem miserable? In this powerful series, you will learn the secrets of being happy. Andrew shares that it is God’s will for us to be happy. We are instructed to rejoice in the Lord always. Learn how to be happy despite your circumstances. Paul’s joy was independent of his circumstances. Discover his secret. The Lord is always with you; once you acknowledge this truth, your joy will abound.  Listen Here
Andrews Site Our approach to God under the New Covenant is completely different than under the Old. Most believers haven’t understood that; they still mix the old with the new, and it’s the reason they aren’t victorious. Hebrews was written to address this issue. Listen Here
Learn To Obey Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the third in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here    
Following The Desires Of Your Heart Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the second in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here
Everyone Has A Destiny Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the first in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here
How To Deal With Grief Andrews Site Grief is something that each one of us encounters sooner or later. It cannot be avoided, but it can be dealt with in a positive way. Some of the most influential people in history became better and more compassionate because of the way they dealt with grief; others were thrown into a destructive spiral. This series will help you to come out of grief on the victory side. Listen Here
The Cure For What Ails Ya Andrews Site Most teaching on the love of God is all about how we should love others. While that is certainly appropriate and needed, we often fail to emphasize how much God loves us. We can’t give what we haven’t received. Before we can love others, we have to have a true revelation of God’s love for us. This series will help you receive a deeper revelation of God’s unconditional love for you. Listen Here  
The Simple Gospel Andrews Site This series covers many miscellaneous topics. These single teachings address a variety of subjects that will greatly enrich your life. Listen Here
What Is The Fear Of The Lord? Andrews Site If I was to quote the part of 1 John 4:18 that says perfect love casts out fear, I imagine I would get a hearty “Amen!” from nearly all of you. But if fear is a bad thing, then what do you do with the 300-plus scriptures that speak of fearing the Lord in a positive way? Listen Here
The Purpose Of Marriage Andrews Site Satan has launched an all-out assault on families. However, God created the family, and He has the perfect answer for every problem confronting families today. For many years, Andrew and Jamie have conducted marriage seminars around the country with marvelous results. This series has the teachings from these seminars. You will discover some amazing principles from God’s word that are so simple and yet so profound that you will wonder how you missed them. The Purpose Of Marriage Priorities For Women Marriage Relationship Submission Dating And Marriage  The Priority Of Marriage I The Priority [More]
Anger Management Andrews Site Every person deals with anger. There is no escaping it. But are we dealing with our anger the way God’s Word instructs us to? There is a type of anger that is godly, but even the more common, ungodly anger is very misunderstood. It’s not people and circumstances that make us angry. In this teaching, Andrew shares truths from God’s Word on the subject of anger that are as rare as gold. An ungodly anger is the social norm today. Psychology’s diagnosis of the cause and treatment for anger is totally off-base. God’s Word tells us [More]
As I Have Loved You Andrews Site Jesus commanded that you love others the way He loves you. Most Christians think that is impossible. That’s because you can’t give away what you don’t have. You need to personally experience God’s awesome love. Listen Here
Lessons From David Andrews Site First Corinthians 10:6 and 11 says all the things that were written in the Old Testament were written for our learning and admonition so that through them, we might learn what to do and what not to do. This teaching looks at the life of David, the only person the Lord called “a man after mine own heart,” and makes direct applications to our lives today. Listen Here
 God Wants You To Succeed Andrews Site   Success is doing what God calls you to do. However, His picture of success won’t sovereignly come to pass. Moreover, if you try to make it happen in your own strength, that will cost you. Godly success cannot be measured by dollars or popularity. The first step may not actually be what you’ve thought. Here’s a hint: You need to “see” what God is calling you to do. This series will show you how, along with seven other proven steps to the successful life God intended for you. Listen Here  
Paul’s Secrets To HappinessAndrews Site Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there. Needless to say, they aren’t “happy” with the end result. Listen as Andrew shares twenty secrets from Paul’s letter to the Philippians that are sure to get you on the path to happiness. Listen Here
Discover The Keys To Staying Full Of GodAndrews SiteMany Christians have powerful encounters with God that leave them energized and full of Him. But often, the cares of the world suffocate His presence in our lives. What happened? Did God leave? No! He says He will never leave us or forsake us. What happens is we walk away from God and diminish what He Has done for us. The good news is that once we recognize what we are doing, we can reverse the process. In this series, Andrew shares four important truths that keep us full of God. Listen [More]
How To Deal With TemptationAndrews SiteEveryone faces temptation. The question is, how do we deal with it? Judging from our results, most of us would have to admit that we need to learn more. There’s a right way and there’s a wrong way to respond when tempted; there is even a way to avoid temptation. Listen to this series and learn how. Listen Here
Discipleship EvangelismAndrews Site Many evangelists realize that only about 15 percent of those who claim to accept Jesus continue in the faith. What’s the problem? Conversion is a one-time experience; discipleship is a lifelong journey Listen Here
Sure FoundationAndrews SiteThis series is a summary of the first four teachings Andrew gives in the U.S. Charis Bible College. They were taken directly from his Gospel Truth television broadcasts. God’s Word has to be the foundation of everything a Christian believes. Most problems that Christians have come from an ignorance of God’s Word or wrong teachings from His Word.  Listen Here
Hardness Of HeartAndrews SiteThe Hardness of Heart series deals with the crisis, the cause and the cure for a hardened heart. A hard heart is simply a heart that is more sensitive to other things than to God. It is caused by what we focus our attention on, and it dictates the level of unbelief in our lives.  Listen Here
 Effects Of Praise Andrews Site Praise causes our faith to abound by keeping our minds stayed on the answer instead of the problem. Praise causes Satan to flee because he can’t stand true worship of God. Praise actually ministers unto God. This series will explain how praise affects the devil, God, and us. Praise is God’s antidote to fear and the pessimism of the world.   Listen Here
Harnessing Your EmotionsAndrews Site We all have emotions, but do they rule us or do we rule them? Psychologists and Christians alike agree that actions are the result of inner thoughts and feelings, emotions. But that is where the agreement ends. The Word says that sin is conceived in our emotions. If that is true, then the Word must also give us a way to harness our emotions. Andrew’s teaching will present you with a new perspective on emotions.  Listen Here
The Believer’s AuthorityAndrews Site Like it or not, every one of us is in a spiritual war. God is for us, and the devil is against us. The one we cooperate with is the one who will control us. You can’t be discharged from the service in this war, and ignorance of its extent only aids the enemy. The enemy loves to work covertly, using his only weapon, deception. In this teaching, Andrew exposes this war and the enemy for what he is.  Listen Here
Faith BuildersAndrews Site Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith is our victory that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4). Faith is essential to everything we do in the Christian life. Yet many Christians still struggle with faith. It seems to be an elusive concept to many, and even those who have walked in faith have trouble maintaining that faith walk. Is it really that hard? Not if you understand a few basics. Listen Here
Don’t Limit God Andrews Site Ten years ago, God spoke to Andrew about taking the limits off. What limits were those? The ones he placed on God through small thinking. Since that encounter, Andrew’s ministry has been growing supernaturally and exponentially. And if God will do that for him, He will do it for you.  Listen Here
God Wants You WellAndrews Site Health is something everyone wants. Billions of dollars are spent each year trying to retain or restore health. It is a basic desire of all mankind. Anyone who likes sickness must be mentally sick! Yet, religion has told us that God is the one who wants us sick. It even tries to make us believe that sickness is a blessing. That’s just not true. God wants you well.  Listen Here
Word SeriesAndrews Site It is so vital that we as Christians know God’s Word and know what to do with it. It is like a seed that goes into our hearts and produces a harvest. This series is on a number of different topics where Andrew shares how to study the Bible, how to see effortless change in your life, how that the Word is the only sure foundation to base our lives upon, and more.  Listen Here