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The book of Romans is Paul’s greatest masterpiece on the doctrine of grace. Nowhere else in Scripture is the mystery of God’s grace revealed more thoroughly or more simply. This series helps the listener discover the book of Romans’ liberating truths, which have literally changed the world. Listen here
In what or in whom do you trust? Most believers would say their faith is in God. Yet, when faced with difficult financial times, fear grips their hearts, and they fall apart like a two-dollar suitcase. That shouldn’t be! This two-part teaching will help you overcome those fears and keep your trust in the right place. Listen here
How would your life change if you committed yourself to God’s Word? The Word of God is the most essential thing you need in your life, both spiritually and physically. Learn how to let God’s Word change your life for the better through Andrew’s teaching Plain as Dirt. Dirt may seem plain and ordinary, but from it, miracles are brought forth. From this life-changing teaching, you’ll discover: -Valuable insights into how to study the Bible -How to plant God’s Word in your heart -That God’s Word is an incorruptible seed that can bring forth miracles in your life -How to [More]
Are you living a surrendered life for Christ? A surrendered life is one where you truly begin to live and not merely exist. It’s a life where your focus isn’t on yourself but on giving your life away each day for God and others. Be encouraged by this verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to his partners and discover the fulfillment of living a surrendered life. Listen here
Paul reveals that we are already blessed with all spiritual blessings, and inside us, we already have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. What more do we need? Listen here
Divine health and prosperity are better than divine healing and provision. If you live in divine health and prosperity, you won’t need a miracle to get healed or to pay your bills. If you can’t see the difference between the two, that may be one reason you only visit God’s best instead of truly living in it. Listen here
These three questions are the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. Most people have probably never written them down, but I guarantee you that every single person has pondered these in their heart and mind at some point in their life. The answers to these questions will absolutely determine what your life will become. So, it’s important to answer them correctly. Listen here
Have you ever been so discouraged you began to doubt God’s promises? Sometimes life’s disappointments can leave us reeling, but we can learn many lessons from the life of Joseph that will show us how to protect the dreams God has given us. In this teaching, you’ll discover how to: •Guard your heart from disappointment. •Trust in God, not your circumstances. •See your God-given dreams become reality. •Triumph over temptation. Rediscover your joy in the Lord, and allow Him to help you through life’s toughest circumstances. Listen here
The Lord told Elijah to hide by the Brook Cherith. He HAD commanded the ravens to feed him THERE. His provision would be found where God told him to go. Here is one of the greatest lessons of Elijah’s life; there’s a place called “there” for all of us. Listen here
A sacred cow is protected from the butcher, even when people are starving. Religion has its own “sacred cows,” wrong beliefs that are kept alive no matter the cost. In this series, Andrew is taking them all to the slaughterhouse. Listen here
When a crisis emerges, how do you respond? Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus imparted timeless truths and invaluable instructions to His disciples, equipping them to navigate the coming storm. Dive into the wisdom of Jesus’ final teachings in this verse-by-verse study of John 14, 15, and 16. Discover how to remain steadfast and unyielding in the face of adversity, regardless of what challenges may arise. Listen here
True believers don’t plan to depart from the Lord – they just fail to prepare their hearts before temptation comes suddenly upon them. Be prepared for the storms of life by learning how David prepared his heart in advance for adversity. The Lord gives us a promise in Psalm 10:17 that He will prepare the hearts of the humble. Therefore, humility is a key principle in preparing our hearts, and this teaching presents it in a most unusual way. Other key principles include renewing our minds, choosing what to think about ourselves, and using our God-given memory system to think [More]
God’s kingdom operates on a different system than the world’s. Society today operates in a lot of selfishness and pride. So many people are promoting themselves above others to get ahead in life. All of this is completely contrary to the Word of God! Listen here
Most teaching on the love of God is all about how we should love others. While that is certainly appropriate and needed, we often fail to emphasize how much God loves us. We can’t give what we haven’t received. Before we can love others, we have to have a true revelation of God’s love for us. This series will help you receive a deeper revelation of God’s unconditional love for you. Listen here
For many years, people have been praying for a revival—an awakening. But looking around our world today, the ungodly seem to be gaining ground every day. On March 5, 2021, Andrew Wommack heard the Lord speak to him clearly about a Third Great Awakening. God told him it had already begun! Listen here
The unconditional love and grace of God is the entire message of the true Gospel. It’s a gift we’re given, and there’s nothing we need todo to earn that gift through our actions. But what happens in the face of wrong teaching? The church of Galatia faced wrong teaching, and Paul wrote an urgent letter to remind them of what God really said. In his teaching Galatians, Andrew takes you through the book of Galatians verse by verse to provide clarity on Paul’s arguments and their biblical foundation. In this message, you’ll learn: •How to avoid the wrong doctrines of [More]
Did you know that we’re supposed to grow up and be just like?Christ (Eph. 4:13–15)? Most people don’t even believe this is possible, thinking,?Well,?I?can’t be like?Jesus.?The Bible says you can. You can let Jesus live through you and walk in victory! In Andrew’s teaching Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity, learn how to grow into a mature Christian rooted in the Word. In this transformational message, you’ll learn: Essentials for maturing in Christ, How to be a living sacrifice, The importance of renewing your mind in the Word of God, The power of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life, [More]
Do you face significant challenges in life but can’t seem to overcome them? If you could hear God clearly, it would not only help you solve those problems but avoid them altogether. God is always speaking, and through these four basics of hearing His voice, you will learn how to discern whether you’re hearing God, the devil, or just your own heart and desires. Andrew’s teaching Four Basics of Hearing God’s Voice will help you improve your relationship with God and live a victorious life. You’ll learn how to: • Be guided by your conscience • Measure what you hear [More]
You have an image on the inside of you—an image of who you are and what you can do. That image is also a ceiling, or limit, on what God can do in your life. It may shock you to learn that the limits you have placed on Him are directly proportional to how you see yourself. If you’re not prospering, if you’re not receiving healing, if your relationships are not working, the first thing you need to do is change how you imagine yourself on the inside. Andrew’s latest teaching Don’t Limit God: 20 Years Later will help! In [More]
Have you ever felt like it would be easier if Jesus were right there next to you? Well, Jesus Himself said we have something better—the Holy Spirit. And having the Holy Spirit is better than having Jesus here in His physical body (John 16:7). In this teaching, 10 Reasons It’s Better to Have the Holy Spirit, Andrew guides you step by step into a better understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, enabling you to place a value on that ministry in agreement with what the Bible teaches and to see significant growth in your walk with the Lord. [More]
Andrews Site Have you settled for less than God’s best? If you have, you’ll never receive it always looking for a miracle. It’s time you learned how to walk in the blessing of God. Listen Here
Andrews Site Happiness is a goal many people long to achieve. Why are some people happy and others seem miserable? In this powerful series, you will learn the secrets of being happy. Andrew shares that it is God’s will for us to be happy. We are instructed to rejoice in the Lord always. Learn how to be happy despite your circumstances. Paul’s joy was independent of his circumstances. Discover his secret. The Lord is always with you; once you acknowledge this truth, your joy will abound.  Listen Here
Andrews Site Our approach to God under the New Covenant is completely different than under the Old. Most believers haven’t understood that; they still mix the old with the new, and it’s the reason they aren’t victorious. Hebrews was written to address this issue. Listen Here
Learn To Obey Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the third in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here    
Following The Desires Of Your Heart Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the second in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here