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We’ve recently redesigned our landing page to create a new date-based news feed, more friendly toward the way this generation uses websites. Read More
We aren’t surprised that creation is considered a minority position in a study from seven different countries regarding what they believe about evolution. Read More
After reading the title for today’s blog, you might be wondering what such a headline could be all about—you might be alarmed we are starting a dating service! Read More
The only way to combat false teaching is by knowing the truth! We need to study the Word of God so we can recognize false teaching when we hear it. Read More
AiG’s content-first approach makes finding answers even easier. Read More
God made his handiwork so clear that even a child can see it (Romans 1:18–20). The beauty of his work is inescapable—and an undeniable witness to his existence. Read More
Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make a fossil—but it doesn’t! It just takes the right conditions.
What are people searching on Google? Well, when it comes to museums, many are searching for the Ark Encounter! Read More
If we interpret Genesis literally, do we need to interpret the whole Bible that way? Read More
It is fitting that one of the most marvelous organs in the body should be used to hear the Word of God. Read More
Last month we celebrated Answers in Genesis’ 30-year anniversary. But at the end of December, there was another very special anniversary. Mally and I celebrated 51 years of marriage! Read More
The stunning puppets for the stage production of C. S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy have arrived at Ark Encounter, and the first show is just a week away! Read More
I am so excited to announce that, thanks to your generosity, we are very optimistic about meeting our goal and taking full advantage of the $8 million match! Read More
In the US, most Christians are at least vaguely aware that the public school system is hostile to Christianity. What most probably do not know is how openly Marxist and occult the school system is. Read More
Almost 100 videos dealing with creation science, apologetics, culture and more.
Videos exploring various scientific phenomena and demonstrating various scientific experiments.
This playlist is a collection of videos about evolution. Biological evolution is the supposed process by which the first cell evolved into the diversity of life we see today. Natural selection and mutations are considered its driving force; however, evolution has never been observed despite numerous protestations to the contrary. Natural selection and mutations cannot add the information necessary to change one kind of organism into another. And it doesn’t take a science degree to understand why molecules-to-man evolution is impossible.
This playlist is a collection of videos about the tower of Babel. The tower of Babel (2242–2206 BC) was a post-flood rebellion against God by Noah’s descendants. Though the Babel account is related in a mere nine verses (Genesis 11:1–9), the resulting judgment of this rebellion accounts for the variety of languages and people groups seen in our world today.
This playlist is a collection of videos about the big bang. The big bang is a naturalistic story about the origin and development of the universe (e.g. a cosmology), beginning with a “singularity” when all mass, energy, and space was contained in a much smaller volume than the universe today. It is riddled with problems, supported by numerous unobserved assumptions, and, most importantly, contradicts the biblical teaching of creation.
The Ice Age was a period of several hundred years that began within a short time following the global Flood of Noah’s Day. During this time, global temperatures cooled and glaciers covered one-third of Earth’s surface. The Flood’s after-effects, such as warmer oceans and cooler air temperatures, created the necessary conditions.