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In 1980, you could attend a typical four-year college for $2,500 in tuition. Skip ahead 30 years and now you’re looking at $16,000 (at least) for a four-year public college. If you want to attend a private college or university, which includes some Christian schools, then the typical cost is almost double that amount! According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the cost for a four-year private college or university is $32,000 (not including room and board). Many students begin their adult lives in debt because of the massive amount of student loans they have. However, there is help! [More]
According to Romans 1:20, the Creator is clearly seen in all that He made. One creature in particular seems to show a side of God’s creativity and provision like no other—a tiny animal known as a water bear. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (Youtube channel CANSWERSTV), and Dr. Steve Morrison, director of research for Christian Answers (Steve is webmaster of our 3 websites: MUSLIMHOPE.COM, BIBLEQUERY.ORG & HISTORYCART.COM; has written 4 books on Islam: “Reliability of the Bible & Christianity vs. the Qur’an & Islam,” “Answering Muslim Objections to Christianity,” “Letting Islam Destroy Itself in a Muslim’s Mind,” & “Christian Dialoging with Muslims”) respond in this 10 hour series to the multitude of theological attacks made on Christianity & the Bible by Muslim apologists, teachers & debaters. In particular this series focuses on [More]
How do we reconcile the existence of Hell with God’s love? According to Rob Bell in his newly released book, everyone eventually ends up in heaven. But is it really that simply and is that what Scripture truly teaches? On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Pastor Bobby Conway on how we can the topic Reconciling Hell with God’s Love.
How do we reconcile the existence of Hell with God’s love? According to Rob Bell in his newly released book, everyone eventually ends up in heaven. But is it really that simply and is that what Scripture truly teaches? On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Pastor Bobby Conway on how we can the topic Reconciling Hell with God’s Love.
What we believe about where What we believe about where we came from has implications for the question, “What is the meaning of life?” Consequently, creationists and evolutionists have very different answers to many “controversial” issues in the culture today. This Episode of Creation magazine LIVE explores the Christian/creationist position on “hot issues” According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.