Suzanne Somers: How I’d Treat My Breast Cancer Differently Today

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Ty Bollinger: Suzanne, if you could, let’s go back about 14 years now in time and tell us about your bout with breast cancer and what you did to treat it.

Suzanne Somers: When I look back 14 years, what I am so glad about is what I didn’t do. I remember that I got the recipe right away; we’ll do surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and after care drug of Tamoxifen.

And even at that time… because all of us in the alternative world, from year to year you know so much more. I can’t do that. The idea of putting chemical poison into my body to cure me just doesn’t make sense. And he [the doctor] said “you’ll die if you don’t.” And I said, “I think I’ll die if I do what you want me to do.”

Read More  Suzanne Somers: How I’d Treat My Breast Cancer Differently Today.

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