Summer Refreshing: 10 Remarkable Facts You Should Eat Mango More Frequently

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By Phyllis

Mango fruit is one of the nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and thus promoting health benefits to human’s .This is also called as super fruit. Mango is one of the delicious tropical seasonal fruit and believed to be originated in the sub-Himalayan plains of Indian subcontinent.

The bark of the mango tree contains 16 – 20% tannin and also mangiferine. It acts ad stringent and is believed to possess a tonic action on the mucous membrane. It is anathematic, useful in hemoptysis, hemorrhage, nasal catarrh, diarrhea, ulcers, diphtheria, rheumatism and for lumbrici. It is also used in diphtheria …read more

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