(STUDY) More vaccine doses linked to higher rate of infant mortality | Sharyl Attkisson

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A recent peer-reviewed study published in the medical journal Cureus provided evidence for a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses given to babies and infant mortality rates.


The study confirmed a 2011 study conducted by the same researchers, which found a positive correlation between the greater number of vaccines given to infants in the most highly developed nations and a higher infant mortality rate.


The initial study published in 2011 in Human and Experimental Toxicology evaluated 2009 data from developed and under-developed nations around the world and found that the greatest number of infant deaths occurred in developed nations where infants were given the highest number of vaccine doses, totaling between 21 to 26 doses.


The United States gives infants under the age of one year 26 doses of vaccines—the highest number of vaccine doses of all nations.


Read More: (STUDY) More vaccine doses linked to higher rate of infant mortality | Sharyl Attkisson

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