Study is wake-up call for traditional church –

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The Pew Research Center made headlines earlier this year when it released a study on America’s rapidly growing religious “nones” – atheists, agnostics and others with no religious affiliation.

But one researcher warns that the institutional church also needs to be aware of the “dones.”

“We saw people that would have preferred to stay in church but they felt like they couldn’t do what God was calling them to do inside of these institutional structures, and so they had to get out,” remarks Dr. Josh Packard, who conducted the study.

empty church pews 620x300Packard, director of the Social Research Lab at the University of Northern Colorado, found that 31 percent of U.S adults – about 65 million – were at one time involved in church but are done with it, not because they are rejecting faith but because they want to retain it.

Read More  Study is wake-up call for traditional church.

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