Stories from the vaccine injured – Steve Kirsch

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“As I post this there is only one heartbreaking story on his page now but he says he will be adding more. While the vax makers rake in billions of dollars from these deadly jabs the victims, like the one in this story, get nothing, talk about injustice.” Admin


Here are some stories of the vaccine injured.


There are hundreds of thousands of stories just like these.


Sadly, Americans have been paid nothing to compensate them for their injuries. Zero. Zip. Nada. This is truly unbelievable.


The settlement in the Larry Nassar abuse case was $380M and nobody there died or was physically disabled. Here we have hundreds of thousands of Americans who are dead or severely physically disabled at the hands of the US government and we haven’t paid out a dime in compensation. This is really stunning.


The bolding below is mine but otherwise these stories are from the source, unedited.


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