‘Staggering’ number of Muslim refugees under Obama – wnd.com

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 “Wide open borders, hugh deficits, criminal gun running in “fast and furious” and Benghazi, TPP, bogus climate change alarm-ism, supporting terrorists, common core education fiasco, promoting perversion, greatly weakening the military …. this is quite a legacy Mr. O is leaving behind and he isn’t even done yet. Please pray for Mr. O, he is obviously in desperate need of it.”  Admin

The U.S. issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from Muslim-majority countries in the five-year period encompassing the 2009 through 2013 fiscal years, according to published Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data. To put this number in context, it surpasses the total population of Washington, D.C., which is 660,000. And it may be an overly conservative estimate,…