Soaring: Vaccine deaths skyrocket –

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“The total number of deaths given in this article is most certainly lower than the real total because if someone dies within 14 days after they are vaxed they are counted in the unvaxed death totals, read this article for details.” Admin


The U.S. government database that keeps track of deaths from vaccine side effects has exploded by 10-fold since the advent of COVID-19, and the experimental vaccines that have been developed in response.


The Beltway Report revealed there are about 1,400 deaths reported to the system each year, among the thousands of reports of adverse events from vaccines.


The report explained the Virus Adverse Event Report System gets more than 60,000 reports each year, including 1,400 deaths that are documented on average.


But since COVID was unleashed on the world, “there have been 14,701 deaths reported,” the report said.


Read More: Soaring through the roof: Vaccine deaths skyrocket

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