Smallpox, Money Pox and The Vaccines They Will Try to Frighten You into Getting – The Expose

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Dr. Meryl Nass provides some basics about the budding “pandemic” and the proposed vaccines against it.  Her points include: the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) released a statement to introduce mass vaccination; the smallpox vaccine, of unknown efficacy against monkeypox, causes a huge number of myocarditis cases and other known cardiac problems; smallpox vaccines, when used routinely in babies, were considered the most dangerous vaccine available; and, more.


Here’s what you should know about the latest money pox, also known as monkeypox.


The WHO released a clever statement to introduce the idea of mass money pox vaccination to the public:


The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that the growing monkeypox outbreak remains “containable,” and that there’s no immediate need for mass vaccination against the orthopoxvirus; since May 7, a total of 131 confirmed cases and 106 suspected cases have been reported in countries where it usually does not spread. (Reuters)


No immediate need. Let that statement ferment in your unconscious. It seems like a benign sentence, but implicit in it is the idea that soon there may well be a need to mass vaccinate the population against money pox, a disease that has never before spread due to casual contact.


Read More: Smallpox, Money Pox and The Vaccines They Will Try to Frighten You into Getting – The Expose

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