Shocking Rise In Numbers Of Brain Cancers And Mad Cow Disease Since Rollout Of COVID Vax –

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“Some good videos at the bottom of the article.” Admin


According to this new Substack post by ‘Aussie17,’ with ‘Aussie17‘ being a ‘Big Pharma Exec Exposing the PHARMA INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX from the inside,’ there’s been a shocking rise in the sale of all cancer drugs in 2023, though as he states in this entry and this post over at ‘X,’ most notable has been the enormous rise in sales of the drug used to treat brain cancer, called ‘Temodal’.


Warning in his post that while the drug has been on the market for over 20 years, sales of the drug have suddenly tripled in a span of two years, from 2020 to 2022, as he also warned, “I’ve never seen a 20 year old generic drug spike like this in my pharma career!”


With that warning from ‘Aussie17’ coming at the exact same time as an astonishing rise in what have been termed ‘turbo cancers’ of all kinds, with ‘turbo cancers’ often killing within days, weeks or only months after being diagnosed/identified. As Dr. William Makis MD warns us in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, sudden and unexplained deaths are now at an all-time high. And in this ‘X’ post from Dr. William Makis MD from October of 2023 he warned us he was also witnessing a shocking rise in the numbers of brain cancers, with Dr. Makis referencing this Substack story.:


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