Sensational seeds —compact packages attest to God’s handiwork –

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“A man scattered seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.”

Though he does not know how. Those words of Jesus (Mark 4:26b–27) are still true today. As a trained PhD plant scientist myself, I can vouch that, despite the many thousands of man-hours of ongoing research devoted to studying seeds, seed germination and seedling growth, we still don’t really know in detail how it is possible—certainly no-one has been able to build anything that can do what a seed does! The scientific journals are full of research papers with detailed descriptions of some of the many intricate processes going on in and around the seed as it sprouts and grows, but just how it happens all by itself remains a marvel. As Jesus went on to say: “All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head.” (Mark 4:28)

And each of those grains is another seed like its parent, which the farmer can sow when it’s “plantin’ time” or “seedtime” (Genesis 8:22) once more, repeating the sowing-growing-harvesting cycle all over again.

It’s amazing to think how the information and miniature machinery needed to produce an entire plant is compressed into such a small package. There’s a little energy store, too (known as the endosperm), to enable the germinating seed to firstly send down roots that both anchor the seedling into the ground and act as foraging conduits for water and nutrients. And then secondly to erect solar energy panels (the leaves, of course) to power the growing plant once the seed’s store of energy has been depleted. Imagine—the instructions and equipment needed to build and operate a self-maintaining and environmentally-friendly solar energy capturing system (photosynthesis), inside every seed!

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