Secrets of the Rocks – Patrick Nurre

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Streamed live on Nov 17, 2017

If you have never been a rockhound, you are missing out on more than collecting pretty rocks. Rocks hold some very interesting and wonderful secrets in God’s creation. During his presentation, Patrick will take us on a journey to explore these secrets. You will discover things that even the most experienced geologist has missed. Your faith will be strengthened and you will come away with some “rock solid” apologetics you can share with your friends.
Patrick Nurre was trained in the secular view of geology. Over the past 40 years he has been actively involved in the Creation/Evolution issue in the field of geology. He has spoken to hundreds of college students, and is a popular speaker at many conventions and home school conferences. In 2005, Patrick created Northwest Treasures to provide opportunities to study geology from a Biblical perspective. In the fall of 2012, he opened the Geology Learning Center, a geology museum/educational center located in Lynnwood, WA. Patrick leads field trips each year to many geological sites including his annual field trip to Yellowstone Park in August.
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