School assignment features Republican tearing up ‘pathway to citizenship’ –

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Another example of leftist indoctrination. Those meanie Republicans opposing mass amnesty and the large influx of illegals streaming across our southern border. We have had a pathway for legal immigrants to become citizens for many years, it’s just that the Dems don’t want to follow the law any longer but circumvent it to swell their voting ranks in time for the 2016 elections.”  Admin

An 8th grader at Shattuck Middle School received a perfect score for claiming Republicans want to “destroy” the pathway to citizenship.

According to the boy’s father, Scott Radies, he was given a worksheet by Social Studies teacher Grace Davis. Students were to read a political cartoon and answer questions about it.

As reported by Independent Journal Review, students were to look at a drawing of two men working on a brick path. One, with a Democratic Party logo on his clothing, was building the path while the other, with an elephant, was uprooting it. He can be seen literally throwing the bricks of his shoulder.

Students were then required to answer the following questions:

* Who are the men in the picture (What is their job? Look at what they are doing for a hint)

* What are they building?

* What do the symbols on their shirts represent?

* What is action being done by each man?

* What might this mean to us about immigration and citizenship?

“I flipped it over to see if the opposite view was maybe on the other side of the homework assignment, but there’s nothing, just one side of paper,” Radies says.

Neenah immigration worksheet

Read More  School assignment features Republican tearing up ‘pathway to citizenship’ –