Satanic display will be erected at MI state capitol

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“It’s amazing just how far away we are getting from our Christian heritage in the name of tolerance. Certainly nothing good will come of it.”  Admin

The Michigan State Capitol Commission has granted permission for the Satanic Temple to put up a display December 21 thru the 23 on capitol grounds.

An out-of-state source has offered to put up a Nativity scene, but the problem is the displays must be removed at night and replaced in the morning.

Gary Glenn of the American Family Association of Michigan was asked if the Satanists are putting up their scene for one of their holidays or some other reasons.

“As I understand it,” he says, “the Satan worshippers want to put it up at Christmas to be of as much of offense as possible to Christians who are obviously celebrating the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.”

So it’s an “intentional offense,” he adds

Read More  Satanic display will be erected at MI state capitol.