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This short video clip shows a dramatic debate between Muslim students and Christians on a major university campus.Larry Wessels of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel is CANSWERSTV, see our other 46 videos on Islam at websites, http & www.HistoryCart. com) hosts an introductory presentation on the subject of Islam. This two part video series briefly looks at the very basics of the Islamic religion and its requirements to achieve salvation through its system of works and duties. Failure to carry out legalistic commands by the prophet Mohammad can result in complete damnation for the Muslim in endless suffering and torture for eternity once the Muslim dies. Included in this video presentation is fascinating actual debate footage with Muslim students on a university campus. Legalistic duties such as the classic Muslim belief that “Satan gets in your nose at night and you must wash him out with water in the morning” is brought up during the campus debate. The “90 foot tall Adam” is also mentioned. A Muslim student argues that the Bible never says that Jesus is the Son of God as well. See full length videos concerning Islam on YOUTUBE or GOOGLE VIDEO by typing “LARRY WESSELS ISLAM” in their respective search boxes. This short clip came from a 2 hour series originally aired on public access television in Austin, Texas to approximately 300000 households. Christian Answers of Austin, Texas has many more full

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