Sanity checks – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

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People tell me I’m crazy for believing the COVID vaccines are unsafe. But my list of sanity checks is objective evidence that I’m not the one who is crazy.

Executive summary

People tell me I’m crazy all the time for believing that the COVID vaccines are unsafe.

But all I am doing is making the obvious conclusions from all the data in plain sight, including people’s reactions when challenged.

For example, at dinner last night, I revealed that my occupation was a “myth buster” and then people asked “what myth?” and I said that the vaccines were unsafe. Later, one of the attendees told me I should be ashamed of myself for spreading misinformation. I asked, “Do you have any data to back that up?” She said, “I don’t want to talk to you.”

Does that sound familiar?

Here’s a short checklist of observations that would be very hard to explain if the vaccines are safe and effective.

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