In this fifteen-part series, Christmas – The Rest of the Story, Rick Renner dives deep into the parts of the Christmas story that most people have never heard. Rick says, “I’ve studied this story for decades, and I found fabulous treasures no one ever shared with me. In this series, we explore the Bible, history, historical writings, and so much more, so we can really understand all the events that took place surrounding the birth of Jesus!”
Who Was Herod the Great? — Rick Renner
Who Were Simon and Anna? — Rick Renner
Jesus Is Dedicated in the Temple — Rick Renner
A ‘Multitude of Heavenly Host’ — Rick Renner
The Shepherds Keeping Watch — Rick Renner
A Holy Moment — Rick Renner
The Swaddling Clothes and Manger — Rick Renner
Why Did God Choose Joseph? — Rick Renner
Why Did God Choose Mary? — Rick Renner
A Miraculous Place in Bethlehem — Rick Renner
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