Review Article Reveals mRNA Jab Consequences |

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 2020 and 2021 have brought unprecedented events on a global scale.  Since the appearance of COVID-19, our lives have turned upside down, and our basic liberties have been stripped away.


We went from ONLY two weeks to flatten the curve to the “new normal” depicted by social isolation, universal masking, endless lockdowns, and the forced acceptance of experimental, potentially gene-altering drugs with no established safety profile and questionable effectiveness.


At this point in the article, common sense would beg the question, why would such measures be necessary to curtail a virus that has never been isolated and has a 99.9x percent survival rate for the vast majority of the world’s population.


But the tragic truth is, most people willingly gave up their freedoms in exchange for the illusion of safety, without asking a single question whether any scientific evidence exists to justify the draconian measures.  Sadly, millions have followed the marching orders of the government, media, and so-called health experts, masked up, rolled up their sleeves, and taken one or more doses of unapproved injections while relinquishing their right to informed consent and becoming part of this grand experiment.


But thankfully, some scientists have begun asking the tough questions and even scrutinizing the science behind these experimental drugs.  One such review revealed eye-opening information about the new mRNA technology and some of the unintended consequences of injecting them into the bloodstream of the population.


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