Rescued by a Heavenly Herd Of Deer – Guideposts

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Moving from urban New Jersey to the Pennsylvania woods was a dream come true for me. The land around my house was a campground in the summer. My nearest neighbor was miles away, and there was no phone service to my house. Didn’t bother me a bit.

Back in New Jersey I’d worked as a rehab nurse. I saw people all the time. Some predicted I would soon tire of my new solitary life, but I hadn’t so far and didn’t expect I ever would. All my life I’ve felt connected to nature, and I could never feel lonely with animals nearby. The woods were full of them.


“I call that one Scarbelly,” I told a visiting friend when a deer tiptoed out of the woods one afternoon. She was a doe, easily recognizable by the old wound running from her shoulder to her hip. “She had a fawn last year. She brings her baby around too.”“

They sure seem to like you a lot!” she said as the doe inched nearer to me. We stayed very still so as not to startle her.“I’d like to think so,” I said. “Deer aren’t easy to get close to.”

Each day I woke up in my house in the woods was a pleasure—until one April morning. I heard the birds singing as usual, saw the pale sun through the window, smelled the fresh air. But something was wrong. I tried to sit up. My legs felt like lead. They refused to cooperate with me. I had to struggle just to swing them over the side of the bed. I managed to stand. Get to the bathroom, I thought. Just turning in the right direction almost knocked me over I was so off-balance. I managed to shuffle toward the bathroom door.


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