Report: ‘Shocking depravity’ in America is because ‘evangelicals’ are no longer ‘evangelicals’ * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

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In today’s “depraved” America there are “corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies,” and more, according to a new report on the nation’s beliefs.


“The depth of the depravity is shocking,” explains the American Worldview Inventory No. 4 from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.


“The deterioration of this once-great nation begs the fundamental question: How did we get here? What happened to so quickly introduce new philosophies of life and ways of living that radically depart from the historical Judeo-Christian moorings and consensus of America?” it notes.


And, according to veteran researcher George Barna, “The indisputable cultural decline is a direct result of the spiritual collapse of Christianity in the nation.”


Read More: Report: ‘Shocking depravity’ in America is because ‘evangelicals’ are no longer ‘evangelicals’ * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

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