Red Flag Laws Mean Red Flag Rising – Chuck Baldwin

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It took the State of Florida all of one week after a Republican house, senate, and governor passed one of the most draconian gun control bills in U.S. history to begin implementing the so-called red flag portion of the law that allows law enforcement officers to confiscate the firearms of any individual “suspected” of suffering from mental illness. The 56-year-old man was given no trial and no due process. The gentleman had committed no crime, no act of violence—not even the threat of violence. The State said the man MIGHT be crazy, so they confiscated his guns. Of course, all we have is the government’s version (and that of their lackeys in the mainstream media) of the man’s behavior that they say warrants his guns being confiscated.


As I have previously reported in this column, Washington State, Oregon, Indiana, California, Connecticut, and Rhode Island (the governor of Rhode Island issued a “red flag” executive order) are doing the same thing Florida did, as is Illinois, where a “red flag” law has already passed the Democrat-controlled State House of Representatives and Senate. And the Republican governor is sure to sign it into law.


In addition to the above 8 states, 22 other states have “red flag” laws pending—as does the federal government.


I note the individual states that have either already passed or are currently in the process of passing these Marxist “red flag” laws in this column. Read it to see if your State is currently proceeding with “red flag” laws:


Trump Opens Door For Gun Confiscation In America


Folks, this is a HUGE step on the slippery slope toward totalitarianism. Allowing the government to decide who is mentally unfit to own a firearm without due process is patently Stalinesque.


Really? We are going to let the government tell us who is crazy?


Politicians and government officials are already on record as saying that people who believe in the New World Order or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ are mentally ill. Police agencies in the State of Missouri (and other states too—Missouri just got caught) are on record as saying if you oppose the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, the North American Union, abortion-on-demand, illegal immigration, etc., you might be a “dangerous extremist” and other such labels of mental instability. Christians, conservatives, and constitutionalists are often labeled as crazy by various people in government. Some even say that ANYONE who simply owns a gun is mentally ill.


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