Read The Story Of Lazarus And Don’t Give Up

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I think at this time it would be good to remember the Bible’s account of Lazarus in John 11:1-44. Word was sent to Jesus that Lazarus was sick. They wanted Him to come and heal him. But Jesus delayed and Lazarus died and his body was placed in a tomb.

When Jesus arrived Lazarus had been dead four days, his sisters were grieving and told Jesus if He had been there sooner their brother would not have died. It looked in the natural that all hope was lost. But Jesus had something much greater in mind, the raising of Lazarus from the dead for the Glory of God and because of this many of the Jews there believed in Him.

Gods ways are not our ways, we may think all hope is lost and nothing can be done but God has something much greater in mind than we can imagine. So don’t lose heart, keep praying and believe He has everything under control.


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