Hundreds of Ray Comfort videos showing him talking to unbelievers on various topics and giving them a gospel presentation.


Jewish College Professor STOPS Christian... So He Can Be Saved?!

He Didn't Care About God...but was in Tears After Hearing This

Homosexuals Left Speechless After Hearing the Gospel

Watch the Holy Spirit Work in Her Heart (Very Moving)

She Laughs at First...Then the Preacher Says This

He was ok until I mentioned Jesus

Christian STUMPS Jehovah’s Witness with One Question!

Watch Demons Try HARD to Stop the Gospel

Atheist Changes His Mind After One Simple Question

He Was About to Hit the Preacher, Then This Happens...

She Admitted She Spoke to Demons, Then This Happened...

Mix Religion With Demons and THIS Is What Happens

Do THIS and You're Messing with Demons

I Serve Lucifer, Love Pain, and Want to Go to Hell.

He's Been Seeking Jesus...Then Cries After This Happens

This Should Be an Interesting Evangelism Encounter...

I'm Gay and I Go To Church

Why Salvation DOESN’T Come by Asking Jesus into Your Heart

The #1 reason evolution is impossible

Christian gives ONE answer that closes pro-choicer’s mouth

Ray Comfort Will Never Forget This Amazing Conversation!

She Used to Be a Christian Until She Learned This...

Jehovah's Witness Clashes with Christian Evangelist

Sharing Your Faith Can Sometimes Get Scary...

Don’t believe the Bible is true? Wait till you see this

NASA Hid This Because of One Bitter Atheist

THIS is why you should never judge a book by its cover

Christian Makes Catholic’s Mouth Hit the Ground in Shock!

Another Intelligent Atheist Changes His Mind

Here's the #1 Reason Why People Don't Believe the Gospel

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