Rats: no evolution! – Creation.com

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Encyclopædia Britannica claims the earliest known rodents come from the upper Paleocene (supposedly about 57 million years ago) of North America, yet it admits these animals ‘had already acquired all of the diagnostic features of the order.’ In other words, these ‘early’ animals were easily recognizable as rodents.

Comprising 50% of all mammal species, rodents should be prolific in the fossil record, and evolutionists should expect to find numerous examples of transitional species. However, Britannica states: ‘Rodents are relatively poorly represented in collections of fossils, in spite of their great abundance at the present time.’2 This situation is clarified with the explanation that rodents have often been ‘overlooked’ because of their small size, ‘but modern exploration for fossils usually results in a much more abundant representation of small mammals, especially rodents.’ The bottom line—there is no fossil evidence for the evolution of any rodent from a non-rodent.

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