Protecting Yourself Against Vaccine Side Effects – Objective:Health

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We’ve discussed vaccines a number of times on this show. We’ve also discussed the new mRNA vaccines a number of times. Our own strategy has always been to avoid these vaccines as long as it is humanly possible.

But what if its not possible? The PowersThatBe™ are making it increasingly difficult to avoid the vaccine and still lead a (relatively) normal life, and they’re only getting started with their restrictions. We don’t know what’s coming, but we may be looking at a future where the shot, at least for some, is unavoidable.

Today, regular Objective:Health host Elliot Overton shares with you a protocol against possible vaccination side-effects based on his deep research into the mechanisms behind the shot and what it’s doing in our bodies on a micro-biological level. Because the vaccines are so new, this is all theoretical, but it may represent our best defense against side-effects in a situation where the shot cannot be avoided.

Join us for this incredibly valuable presentation of information!

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