Possible Microbiota in COVID mRNA Vaccines by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid – ORWELL CITY

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“The language spoken in the video included in the article is Spanish but there are English captions. They are Spanish researches checking the vaccines microscopically and showing a video and pictures of the many weird things they are finding similar to what others have done. Who knows what health problems these things will cause. After everything I’ve seen on what’s in these vaccines I would never get “The Jab”.” Admin


Recently, Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, the researcher who has been analyzing vaccination vials and working hard on a final and definitive expert report that will be published during this month, sent exclusive photographs of possible microbiota observed under electron microscopy to La Quinta Columna.


All of these photographs are part of the ‘Campra archive’ and, in part, are photographs that will be included in the final report.


It’s worth mentioning that, except for some identifiable materials, such as graphene oxide, the microbiota in the vaccination vials from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen, and Moderna laboratories are completely unknown at the moment.


Read/Watch: Observations of Possible Microbiota in COVID mRNA Vaccines by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid – ORWELL CITY

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