Portraits of the Persecuted Church – Open Doors USA

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Where these children live, it takes more than a village—it takes the entire Body of Christ.


When stories of persecution emerge from dangerous regions, they often focus on the experience of adults. Perhaps this is because it’s too difficult to wrestle with the image of children being targeted because of their faith. How can any peaceable citizen fully grasp the ideological madness behind ISIS or Boko Haram or other Islamic extremist groups? Imagine how difficult it is for children who don’t yet understand the political context of their region to make sense of such actions. Why would a stranger—someone they’ve never even met—target them purely because of their family’s theology?


In this article, we introduce you to three children of the persecuted Church: Hassan,* Meeral* and Maryam.* They are just three examples of millions of children who every day endure bullying and violence, including exploitation, because of their faith. Their stories aren’t easy to read, but they are important to think about as you pray for protection, comfort, encouragement, restoration and healing for the children of the persecuted church.


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