Pope: Christians and Muslims ‘Believe in God the Creator’ – breitbart.com

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“The Pope seems to be going to great lengths to imply that Christians and Muslims worship the same God nowadays. That’s nice if you are trying to promote some sort of one world religion but there are however major differences between the two religions regarding the nature of God and who Jesus is that make the God each worship completely different. Watch these two videos featuring Mark Gabriel, a former Muslim, who shares his personal testimony on becoming a Christian plus the differences between Bible and Koran.



Pope Francis told the people of Morocco he will visit them “as a pilgrim of peace and of fraternity” when he travels to the north African nation on Saturday.


The pope began his video-message to the Moroccans by wishing them peace in Arabic: “As-Salamu Alaikum!”, before going on to underscore key themes of his visit.


Thanking God, Moroccan King Mohammed VI, and the Moroccan authorities for making the trip possible, Francis told his hearers: “As Christians and Muslims we believe in God the Creator and Merciful One, who has created men and women and placed them on the earth so that they might live together as brothers and sisters, respecting each other’s diversity and helping each other in their need.”


Read More: Pope: Christians and Muslims ‘Believe in God the Creator’