Police facial recognition body cams can be edited by law enforcement – blacklistednews.com

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“Just another element in the ever growing “big brother” society we are becoming.” Admin

Soon nowhere will be safe from Big Brother’s prying eyes. Imagine walking down Main St., and seeing officer friendly approaching you. As the officer approaches you, he or she has already scanned your face against a 15 million person database and knows if you have any outstanding tickets, warrants etc.

That is the future of American policing.

Police across America will soon be using Vigilant Solutions (VS), “VideoBadge” body cams to identify everyone they come in contact with. (Click here to find out more.)

A VS “wearable security” video tries to convince people that it is fun to use facial recognition body cams to spy on everyone.

Read More: Police facial recognition body cams can be edited by law enforcement