Philippine tribal people embrace Jesus Christ after hearing Gospel and viewing ‘Passion of the Christ’ movie | Christian News on Christian Today

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Things will never be the same again in a far-flung village in southern Philippines after missionaries from the Christian Aid Mission brought the light of Christianity to tribal people who have known only spiritual darkness.

A local ministry from the Mission spent eight months with the Manobo tribal community in northern Mindanao, holding Bible studies and chronologically teaching the narratives of the Hebrew Scriptures up to the New Testament. The local evangelists also screened portions of the 2004 Mel Gibson film “The Passion of the Christ” which greatly affected the people of the village, The Gospel Herald reports.

Whole families attended the sessions and were particularly riveted by the accounts on the pain and suffering endured by Jesus Christ culminating in His crucifixion.

Those who attended the sessions expressed tremendous thirst for the Gospel, according to a report from Christian Aid Mission, an organisation dedicated to assisting and promoting native missionaries overseas.

Read More: Philippine tribal people embrace Jesus Christ after hearing Gospel and viewing ‘Passion of the Christ’ movie | Christian News on Christian Today

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